Shopping & girls night

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''Fourth shop.'' Jill sighs out. ''Never knew you could be this picky Viv.'' She teases.

''Beth only deserves the best.'' Viv breaths out as she greets the salesperson, she walks over to the engagement rings smiling as Katie just hugs her from behind and looks down.

''Looking for a ring, for the both of you ladies?'' The older woman asks kindly.

Lotte covers her mouth to muffle her laughter as Katie and Viv turn to each other with disgusted frowns and shakes her head. ''The two of you don't learn.'' She tells them in amusement. ''This happened in the past two shops too!''

''We are all best friends,'' Vic explains chuckling. ''But.'' She reaches out and pats Viv's shoulder with a grin. ''Viv here is looking for a ring, for her hopefully soon-to-be fiance.''

''Sorry for assuming.'' The woman breaths out with a sheepish grin, she smiles as the four women just shake their heads with a grin and lock eyes with Viv. ''Well Viv, what is your soon-to-be fiance like?''

''Loud.'' Jill jokes, she winces as two hands slap the back of her head and glares at Lotte and Vic. ''Hey!''

''She is asking Viv.'' Lotte just tells her.

''Yeah shut up babe.'' Vic hisses.

Viv chuckles as they start bickering and turns to the woman with a shy grin. ''She is very bubbly.'' She tells her. ''But she is also a family person, her family definitely comes above all me and our son included.'' She continues. ''She is one of those rare diamonds in this world, simple but not too simple and brighter than the sunshine, she lights a room up just by entering.''

''She sounds very lovely.'' The woman tells her with a grin. ''I think I have the perfect ring for you, one second.''

Viv thanks her softly and turns around to lean against the register. ''What?'' She asks in confusion as she notices Vic, Jill, Kate and Lotte look at her with a quirked eyebrow.

''Where the hell did that come from?'' Vic asks in surprise.

''Fuck Viv, your voice went so soft and sweet, it actually warmed my cold ass heart.'' Kate breathes out with a shake of her head.

''That was beautiful and adorable Viv.'' Lotte just murmurs with a grin as she holds her hand over Jill's mouth, Viv blushes, shooting Lotte a thankful grin for shutting Jill up before she could start teasing her, and turns her head as she hears footsteps.

''I put a collection of rings together for you.'' The woman informs her as she stops right in front of her with a kind smile. ''The way you described your girlfriend, I noticed that you see a forever love in her so I hope you find something fitting.''

Viv looks down at the rings, her eyes immediately catching one of them, and points at it. ''This is the one.''

 The woman laughs as the three others appear behind Viv to peek over her shoulder and takes the ring Viv pointed at, she shows it them and smiles

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The woman laughs as the three others appear behind Viv to peek over her shoulder and takes the ring Viv pointed at, she shows it them and smiles. ''Amazing taste.'' She compliments with a kind grin. ''The infinity twist band, will show your fiance how serious you are.''

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