Chapter,3:the shopping spree

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(I'M SO SRYY I HAVEN'T POSTED THE NEXT CHAPTER IN A FEW DAYS!. But it's here now and I honestly hope u guys love/like it i was just a lazy bitch who didn't have ANY idea on what to do for the next chapter. Dont u guys just lOvE how my brain works <3 but anyways hope u enjoy!<3)

When it was morning veneer was still sleeping but then velvet kicked the door open to his room making veneer jolt up. Velvet: HEY BITCH WAKE UP!!." veneer: WHY TF DID U DO THAT ITS SO FUCKING EARLY WTF DO U WANT!." velvet: well don't scream at me! Im ur beloved sister u cant do that!." veneer: ... but u literally just kicked my fucking door open and screamed at me!?." velvet: well its bc im older and im ur sister i can do whatever i want." velvet said, leaning against the door frame folding her arms. Veneer: ya by like a few mins." velvet: STFU anyways get ur ass ready we're going shoppinggg!!." veneer: nooooo fuck off let me sleep." veneer said, sinking in his bed,tapping himself more and turning to face the wall. Velvet: tf u mean no!? Dont u love shopping u would literally fucking pester mom and dad if we could go to the mall ALL the time when we were younger!." veneer: ya i do love shopping BUT NOT SO FUCKING EARLY IN THE MORNING." velvet: fuck, jeez tone ur voice down a bit would u!?." veneer: only if u leave me the fuck alone." velvet: c'mon bitch! It'll be fun it's gonna be a big mall and since we're new to mount rageous we would be able to get to know the place better,meet new ppl... well maybe not the meet new ppl part but we could buy things to decorate our new house!!." veneer: mhm in a few hours i'm going back to sleep." velvet: *sighs* for fucks sake!!!." velvet said in mind, she then started to get closer to veneer's bed and when she got closer she pulled veneer out of bed by his leg which made him fall on the floor. Velvet: UR GETTING THE FUCK UP RN AND GET READY!!! OR ELSE I'LL DRAG U LIKE HOW U LOOK RN SO EVERYONE MAKES FUN OF U!." veneer:OK OK OK FINE i'll get ready just PLS dont take me out like THIS i look like shit!." velvet: good i'll be waiting in the car ur keys are on the kitchen counter." velvet then started to head downstairs. veneer: ughh what a bitch." velvet: TF DID U SAY." velvet said screaming when she was half way down the stairs. Veneer: NOTHING." veneer: ughh i gotta say shit more quietly or else i would've been in the hospital by now." veneer said in his mind while heading to the bathroom to get ready.*2 hours later* after he was ready he headed down stairs and started to look for his keys*he forgot where velvet put them*.veneer: shit where the hell did velvet put my keys again!?." veneer spent 10 mins looking for his keys until velvet finally barged inside the house to see why tf veneer was taking so long. Velvet: WHY TF ARE U TAKING SOO LONG ITS SO FUCKING HOT OUTSIDE." veneer: well i wasnt the one who chose to go to the mall so early in the fucking morning." velvet: TF U MEAN ITS 5:00 FUCKING PM!!." veneer: actually!?." Veneer then checked his phone. Veneer: Oh damn it is. but anywayss where tf did u put my keys again?." velvet:... bitch i TOLD u where they were before i left!." veneer: ya but like i forgot." velvet: not surprised i bet ur pet goldfish teached u some things." veneer: *gasps* dont u DARE disrespect sparkles like that!!." velvet: just stfu and here." velvet then tossed veneer his keys then veneer catched them. Velvet: now can u HURRY the fuck up!!." velvet and veneer then got out of the house, veneer locked the door before they completely left then they both got into his car. They took an hour trying to find the mall since mount rageous was a big ass place.when they finally found it they took 30 mins finding a parking spot since the mall was very well known,there were barely any free parking spots and it was FULL and crowded with people.they finally found a parking spot and then they went inside. Velvet: UGH i'm soo happy to get out of that car it felt like we were in there for HOURS." veneer: HONESTLY." They were starving since they hadn't eaten anything in the morning so they decided to go to the food court first before doing a lot of shopping. After getting their food they started to look for a free place to sit but it was crowded as HELL so it was very hard for them to spot a seat where there was no one so they decided to just stand and eat their food since there weren't any open seats. but then they saw someone waving towards them. They weren't sure who it was so veneer got a little closer to see who it was but then veneer saw that it was ritz!. Veneer: vels look! It's Ritz, he's probably inviting us to sit with him." velvet: sure i mean who honestly wouldn't want to sit with us especially me." veneer: probably nobody." veneer said in mind while rolling his eyes. Veneer: We should probably hurry, we wouldn't want him waiting." velvet: u mean u? I honestly don't care." veneer: ya sure just hurry the fuck up." velvet and veneer started getting closer to the table Ritz was sitting at and when they got closer they saw someone else sitting with him and it was a girl. Velvet: oh my gosh i'm soo happy that there's another girl there!." veneer: ya.. Me too.." veneer lied. he kinda felt jealous that ritz was with a girl. When velvet and veneer got to the table they placed their food and sat down. Ritz: Hey guys! What a surprise i didnt know u guys would be here!." velvet: ya mhm anyways whos this~? Aren't u gonna introduce us to her or something." orchid: ya aren't u gonna introduce me!?." ritz: Oh ya sry! Guys this is orchid!." as ritz said that orchid waved and smiled to both of them. Veneer: nice to meet u orchid!." veneer said, stretching out his hand for a handshake which orchid returned. Orchid: nice to meet u too umm.." veneer: oh it's veneer but ven for short." orchid: oh nice to meet u veneer! And what about u?." orchid said looking at velvet. Velvet: oh! Names velvet but vel or vels for short." orchid: well nice to meet u too vels! Not gonna lie but u have such a pretty name!." velvet was a little shocked since no one ever complimented her name before then she started to blush a little. Velvet: aww ty babes~!." after velvet said that orchid blushed a little. Velvet: sooo are u guys a thing~?" veneer: pls dont be." veneer said in mind. Ritz: what! No!, we dont like eachother like that." orchid: fuck no!! Just ew! We dont like eachother like that!." both ritz and orchid said over each other and sounding in sync on the last line. Veneer: oh thank goodness!!." veneer said in his mind being relieved. Velvet: oh if u guys aren't dating each other are u guys in different relationships?." ritz and orchid: no we aren't in a relationship." velvet: damn anywayss im going to eat my food now i am STARVING." orchid: SAME HERE. ok everyone lets just shut the fuck up now and start eating." ritz: ngl i agree with that." veneer: same here.'' After they all finished eating their food they started to buy things. After hours of being in the mall it was almost time for the mall to close so velvet,veneer and orchid decided on going to the makeup store and they dragged Ritz with them. Velvet: guys since the mall is about to close we should go to the makeup store!." veneer: ngl that sounds like a good idea!." orchid: fuck ya lets do it!." ritz: Wait, what about me?I don't wanna go to another store by myself." orchid: hmm we could use u as our makeup model! To test out makeup products!." velvet and veneer agreed with orchids idea. Ritz: y'know what? Honestly going to another store by yourself isn't a bad idea after all cya guys!." Ritz said as he turned around and started waving goodbye at them. Orchid: tf u mean bye!? Ur fucking staying whether u like it or not!." orchid then pulled ritz into the makeup store where velvet,veneer and orchid were at while ritz was kinda screaming to let him go. Orchid then pushed ritz with velvet. Orchid: here u go u can use him as ur model for right now. me and veneer are going to another aisle to look at other makeup products." orchid then started to pull veneer by his hand. Ritz: WAIT DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH HER TAKE ME WITH U and they're gone.." velvet then started to laugh kind of like an evil laugh then ritz turned around slowly and saw velvet carrying a LOT of makeup products. Velvet: oh ritzz~! I need u bitch!." Ritz then tried to run but then velvet grabbed him before he could even move then she pulled him close to a chair then she pushed him in it. Velvet: now u BETTER stay still unless u want to look like a clown!.. Which u already are but even more of a clown!." ritz: hey! Tf u mean by tha-." velvet: nothing now STFU!!." velvet then started applying makeup on Ritz but before she did she took off his beanie and tied his hair into small pigtails so it was not in the way. Velvet was still applying makeup on his face while veneer and orchid were passing them and from their view it looked like they were kissing.. Orchid then noticed it. Orchid: damn! Hey ven look!." orchid said, pointing at them. veneer then looked at where orchid was pointing, then veneer felt his stomach drop. Orchid: guess they couldn't wait till we got home~ we should probably give them space cmon ven." orchid then started to pull veneer but veneer didn't budge. Orchid: um ven." veneer didn't budge nor answer. He just kept staring at them. Orchid: helloo earth to veneer!." orchid said waving her hand in front of his face but when she lowered her hand she started to see tears in his eyes. Orchid: whoa veneer u good!?." orchid said shaking veneer which made veneer snap out of his mind. Veneer: huh oh ya im.. fine.." veneer said as he wiped his tears with his hand. Veneer: ya we should leave them alone." Veneer then pulled orchid into another aisle so he could try to forget what happened and he also didn't want to look at them anymore because the more he looked at them the more it pained him. After velvet was finished putting on some makeup products she saw a thing where u put a lipstick or gloss on the thing and u put it against ur lips then when u remove the thing from ur lips it perfectly applies lipstick or lipgloss on ur lips so velvet took it and tried it on ritz so she didn't spend much time doing his lips. Velvet: ok pretty boy pucker up." ritz: no fuck off i aint doing SHIT for u now ur times up!." velvet: bitch u BETTER pucker the fuck up and DO NOT MOVE im going to misplace the lipstick." ritz: k fine i guess i don't really want problems." velvet: ty. First time ur nice." as velvet was moving the thing closer something caught ritz's eye so he turned his head. Ritz saw veneer try on makeup and it looked cute on him and that made Ritz blush. But since he moved his head velvet misplaced the lipstick and it landed on his cheek. Velvet: U FUCKING MOVED *sighs* I specifically said, NOT TO U DUMBASS." ritz: oh shit sry just something caught my eye." velvet: well it better not happen again u fucking dumbass. Now fucking pucker up again we gotta hurry!!." velvet again got the thing closer to ritz and successfully got it on him. Velvet: there! Now u look soo beautiful!!." mall's speaker:announcement everyone the store is closing. I repeat the store is closing. U only have 1 hour to exit the building so please kindly exit the building we hope u had an amazing experience at the rage intense mall." velvet: oh shit. Well, let's go find the others." ritz: Wait, what about the makeup!?." velvet: well u gotta just wash it off at ur house i don't have any wipes and neither does the store." ritz: u gotta be fucking kidding me." velvet: nope now cmon lets go!." *velvet did lie she just wanted to make ritz look stupid*. After 5 mins of velvet and ritz looking for veneer and orchid they finally found them. well one of them. Velvet: Hey orchid! where tf is veneer?." orchid: he's still looking at makeup-." orchid then saw Ritz and she bursted out laughing. Orchid: WHY TF U LOOK LIKE THAT." ritz: stfu they didn't have wipes." orchid: bitch u look like a girl. Anyway,vel did u do ritz's makeup?." velvet:ya i did." orchid: DAMN can u do my makeup next time!? It looks so fucking pretty!!!!!." when orchid said that velvet started to feel flattered. Velvet: sure if u want i can give u my number?." orchid: yess plsss!!!." velvet and orchid then exchanged numbers. then after they were done orchid saw the kiss mark on ritz's cheek*which was the mistake when ritz moved his head and velvet didn't take it off since if she tried to rub it off it would get worse so she just left it and forgot about it and it's also the same color as velvets lipstick she had on currently* then veneer came out. Veneer: hey guys i found this makeup pro-." veneer was interrupted by orchid. Orchid: damn guys~ were u guys busy over there or what yall couldnt wait till we got home~!?." orchid said, smirking and chuckling a bit. Ritz and velvet: wdym by that?." veneer: ya what do u mean by tha-." then veneer saw it. The "kiss mark". Veneer started to feel tears come out and he tried to hold it in but he was about to burst then he started to feel a lump in his throat and his stomach drop so hard. Veneer: i.. I will *sniff* be... RIGHT BACK." Veneer said in a shaky voice then he ran off. Orchid: WAIT WHERE ARE U GOING!?." ritz: wait where tf did veneer go?." velvet: ya where tf did he go!? We need to leave soon!." orchid: i'm not sure but i'll go chase after him before i lose him!." orchid then ran off after veneer then she saw veneer enter the bathroom for all genders since it was the only bathroom there. Orchid then went inside. When she went inside there was nobody except for veneer which she heard him sobbing. Orchid: veneer are u ok!? Where are u?." When she started speaking, veneer stopped sobbing, then it was silent for 1 min then she heard his voice. Veneer: I'm ok i.. I'm *sniff* I'm in the big stall." veneer said, sounding shaky. Orchid then got closer to the big stall and she opened it. When she opened it she saw veneer and veneer had tears rolling down his face, the makeup he tried on in the makeup store ruined and his hair kinda ruined. Orchid: whoa man are u ok!!?." veneer couldn't hold it in anymore so he bursted out crying in front of orchid. Veneer: if you want the truth I'm not ok." veneer said stuttering,doing the deep breath thing u do when you cry so hard and he was also sniffing.*i was just too lazy to write him stuttering and shit* orchid: whoa whoa whoa hey it's ok what's wrong? U can tell me i wont tell a single soul." orchid said, running closer to veneer and comforting him. Veneer: n-*sniff* not even*sniff* ritz and velvet?." orchid: sure not even them." veneer: well it's just that i freaked out when i saw the kiss mark on ritz's cheek because i um." orchid: because you like him?." veneer: ya.." orchid: really? C'mon bitch u can do better than whatever shit he is." veneer: but i honestly can't get over him i get really jealous when he's with velvet or another girl.." orchid: how bout this? If u still have feelings for him in 2 weeks i'll help u win him but if u dont then i'll take u out to find someone new if you'd like." veneer: really!? You'd do that for me!?." orchid: well ya ur my friend now ur pretty cool and chill." veneer: TYSMM." veneer then got up and hugged orchid which orchid did the same. Orchid now c'mon wipe those tears and let's all go home i'm TIRED." veneer: ya ur not wrong let's go." orchid and veneer caught up with ritz and velvet. Ritz and velvet asked veneer if he was ok, which veneer responded with a yes then they all went to the parking lot and said goodbye to each other,went to their cars and went home.

(i did this chapter kinda longer since i haven't posted it in a while so i hope u enjoyed it and loved/liked it!!<3 and i wanted to add drama so ya<3. i kinda feel like the end was rushed bc i was just so TIRED im just happy i published it tonight instead of tmr so sry if its rushed but thats all.<3)

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