chapter1: the first contact

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( sry if theres any grammar mistakes its my first time writing a chapter but hope u enjoy<3)

When velvet and veneer got to mount rageous after being in the suburbs basically their whole life it felt different for them. When they got to their new first ever house without their parents they decided to get ice cream.velvet: damn this is a nice house hmm i could go for an ice cream right now." velvet said in her mind,then she turned to look at veneer while veneer was admiring the new house. Velvet:hey can u get us some ice cream while i unpack some stuff?." veneer: sure!."*veneer honestly didn't want to go out yet since its a new place for him but he didn't have to unpack much when he came back so he decided to go* Veneer then grabbed his car keys and went to the nearest ice cream shop he could spot. Then he parked and went inside. The ice cream shop was small and wasn't crowded at all since it wasn't really known there were only 8 people,4 outside and 4 inside. Ice cream man: hey'a welcome to the amazing scoop what can i get ya!?." veneer: i'll have 1 chocolate chip ice cream and 1 mint ice cream pls!." ice cream man: coming right up!." The ice cream man then gets veneers ice creams ready then hands them to him. Ice cream man: here ya go that'll be $4 dollars." veneer hands him the money. Veneer: ty!." ice cream man: ty mate have a nice day!." veneer: u too!." as veneer said that he was walking towards the door while looking at the ice cream man smiling and waving goodbye but as he was doing that ritz opened the door and veneer bumped into him making them both fall and the ice cream dropping on the floor, but one of the ice creams fell onto ritz sweater. Ritz: fuck man i literally just washed this shit." ritz said in his mind while lifting his sweater to look at the ice cream stain.veneer: FUCK IM SOO SOO SOO SRYYY I DIDNT MEAN TOO I WAS DISTRACTED I'M SO SRYYY!." veneer said as he was panicking a little. Ritz: nah dude its ok i can just wash it anyways." Then Ritz looked at the dropped ice cream on the floor. ritz: man i'm sorry for ur ice creams if u want i can buy u 2 new ones." Ritz said while holding money out. Veneer: no it's ok i can buy myself 2 new ones u don't have too it was my fault i wasn't paying attention." ritz: naw i insist it's all i can do for bumping into u." then ritz went to the counter of the ice cream man and asked for the same ice creams,he paid for them then he walked over to veneer and gave veneer the ice creams. Veneer: tysmm! Again im soo sry for what happened umm here for the ice creams!." veneer was saying while trying to hand ritz money for paying for his ice creams.ritz: nah man its good u dont have to pay me back its on the house." Ritz said while pushing the money away from himself and smiling. Veneer then hugged him and as veneer did that ritz started to blush. Veneer: tysmmmm for this um i haven't gotten your name yet?." ritz: oh it's kidritz but u can just call me ritz for short." veneer: ooh nice name haven't heard anyone named like that! My name is veneer!." veneer said as he backed up from ritz. Ritz: nice name u have as well but is it cool with u if i call u ven? Y'know just for short." veneer: oh um sure! I haven't heard anyone call me that at all. I love it!." veneer said doing a big cute smile and as veneer did that ritz started to blush a little. Ritz: glad u love it but hey before i leave can i catch ur number real quick?." veneer: sure! But i'll just tell u since i don't have any free hands *does nervous chuckle* Ritz just let out a little chuckle over veneers nervous chuckle then he dialed in veneers number. Ritz: So call u tonight?." veneer: sure i probably won't be busy." Then they said their goodbyes and parted their ways until next time. As Ritz got in his car orchid started to yell at him. Orchid: WHAT THE HELL BITCH U TOOK FOREVER ughh since your here now bitch gimme my ice cream im starvingg.'' Ritz:...." orchid: why tf are u silent just gimme my ice cream!?." ritz: ya i um sorta forgot it..." orchid:.. Bitch u better get ur ass back into that ice cream shop and get my shit unless u want ur head bashed into ur fucking window." ritz: YES MA,AM." said ritz looking scared as fuck getting out his car.when veneer got home velvet yelled at him on how he took forever as well.

( that is all bye guys until the next chapter<3)

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