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nineteen seventy-nine.

COMPTON COULD ONLY be described with a single word, mysterious. The city was known for gang violence, drug dealings and things of that sort, but recently they had been noticed for the amount of missing children cases they had. Every few days there was a kid being reported as missing, it got to the point where a curfew had to be put on the city.

Outside it was raining, typically Eric's favorite weather, but he couldn't enjoy it knowing about all the missing children in Compton. He wondered where they were or what they were doing.

"Eric! Eric!", he was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard his younger sister, Patricia called his name. Instantly annoyed he gave her an expression that let her know he was fully listening.

"Read me a story! Please!", She gave him an eager smile.

He shook his head instantly, "Look, I'm busy. This would be the third story this week.", he complained. Truthfully he didn't mind, right now just wasn't the right time.

"C'mon brother. Mommy said to ask you and that you'd say yes.", she pleaded.

"Well mama lied." Like she always do, he thought to himself. The young girl puffed before turning away, accepting the fact that he wasn't going to read her a story.

"Wait Trish. . .here.", He handed her a small pink boat. The same pink boat that he had promised to make her weeks ago so she could bring it sailing, out in the rain. He figured it was the proper time to give it to her, at least she wouldn't bother him for another hour.

She gave her biggest smile "Thank you!", her beam was pleasant for Eric to witness.

"But wait, you gotta seal it together."

"With what?"

"Glue. Go get the glue. From the basement.", he said. Automatically Patricia gave a face of worry. She hated the basement, it was creepy. The basement had always been a place that both siblings were afraid to go in.

She walked to the basement door that had already been opened and seen the darkness. She glanced around for two second's before running down and grabbing the glue, instantly running back to Eric's room.

She handed him the glue and he glued the boat together, "There. Now scram, beat it!", he shooed his sister away.

She cheesed her biggest smile hugging him tight, "Thank you brother!"

Patricia had let the boat onto the street, the water pooling enough to carry it. It had cut different corners, even going as far as to be two streets down. She got stopped when she seen the same boat her brother just made, fall into the sewer.

"Oh no!", She whined, already knowing what her brother would say. It took her a minute but she bent down and looked throughout the sewer as far as she could, until she seen a clown.

She was stunned.

"Aren't cha' gonna say hello?", The clown spoke. Patricia shook her head, she wasn't supposed to talk to strangers.

The clown slightly frowned, "Oh, cmon bucko! Don't you want a. . .balloon?", the clown smiled while holding a bright yellow ballon in the air.

"I'm not supposed to take things from strangers. My mama said it ain't no good."

"Very wise of ya' mother. Very, very wise indeed. I Patricia, am Pennywise the dancing clown, you are Patricia. So now we know eachotha'. .whatdya' say?", the clown smiled.

Patricia chuckled, "I guess so. . .I have to go"

The clown spoke quickly, "Go?. . .without this?", he held the boat for the young girl to see. She had completely forgotten about it till now, having thought that it was long gone.

"My boat", she smiled her biggest smile, her left dimple peeking out.

"Exactly! Go on kiddo! Take it!", but Patricia hesitated thinking about the way she had to get it. She didn't want to hurt her arm and there certainly wasn't enough space in that tiny sewer.

"Aweee, you want it back dont cha?"

"Ohhh, of course you do. And there's all sorts of candies, games and prices down here. And balloons too, all colors!"

"Do they float?"

"Oh yes. They float. . .Patricia, they float.", he said eagerly as the young girl inched her hand further down the drain.

"And when you're down here with me. . .you'll float too!", his tone had been filled with nothing but rage as he grabbed Patricia's arm aggressively.

The young girl screamed from the pain, and next thing she had been eaten away.

Seeing a casket that small was something nobody was prepared to see. Especially not Eric, not for his little sister. What could've went wrong? She just went out to sail a boat.

"Sorry for your loss bro. It's all tragic.", David said to Eric. Of course Eric couldn't really process in this moment, but he was eternally grateful. Him, Brandy and Aaliyah had come to support their friend. They hated to see him go through something like this, and hated even more that he held in his feelings.

"Yea Eric, y'know you can always call. We're here for you. Always.", Aaliyah said with her soothing voice, hugging him and rubbing his shoulders. He thanked his friends and stayed by their side until the funeral had ended.

He was now home and in his sister's old room. His parents tried to ban him from their but he just couldn't, not yet.

He glanced at the book shelf she had, and his eyes instantly went to her scratch book. He opened it and it had every memory possible in there. He smiled for a second until the pages began to move.

The pages moved rapidly as if they had been caught in a tornado.

"What the. . .", he panicked, instantly dropping the book.

As the book dropped to the floor it showed a portrait of Patricia and the book began to spill out a red liquid, a liquid that was identical to blood. How?

Eric let out an alarming scream causing both of his parents to jolt into the room. Afraid of letting their other child getting killed too.

"What honey? W-what is it?", his mother frantically questioned him, his father having the same worried look on his face.

All he could do was point at the book that was getting pooled into a pile of blood.

His mother sighed while picking up the book, once again getting emotional at the thought of her deceased daughter.

Why is she touching blood? Can she not see it, or feel it?, Eric thought. For a second he questioned his sanity.

His mother stormed out of the room, tears already falling from her eyes.

"Eric. We have told you to stay out of this room. This room is banned from here on out, I mean it.", his father scolded.

"But cmon pops you didn't see the bl-", he was cut off, "I mean it Eric.", and with that his father stormed off to go comfort his wife.

Was he going insane?

authors note
quickly: do you guys like chapters this length? or do you want them shorter? or possibly longer? let me know.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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