The Speech

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I stood there for another 10 minutes or so as I waited for everyone to get before the stage. Elle, her older sister Robin, and their father the King, joined there youngest daughter along with me and Holly. Elle decided to come and stand next to me, which just gave me sweaty palms. But I composed myself and just kept a nice smile on my face. But it felt like there was eyes on me. I look over and King Jim is staring daggers into my soul. Startled I take a small step away from Elle and direct my attention to the stage. Or more or less Nancy. She still has a nervous smile on her face. Occasionally making small talk with Steve. But mostly keeping to herself. But I notice she keeps glancing to her right. I look over and try to see who she could be looking at.

I think maybe she's just trying to not stare at the audience, but I finally can tell that she is looking at the Byers.


Is she looking at the older prince??

Does she like him??

No way!!

I wait for her to look back out into the audience. When she does I get her attention. I make faces at her, we've always been good at reading each other expressions. I look at her and then I give a smirk and lean my head over to the Byers, giving her an eyebrow raise. She shakes her head subtly and gives me a face of 'you don't know what your talking about'. But before I can respond we are cut off by my father stepping forward.

He steps in front of Nancy and Steve making sure everyone has there attention.

"Rulers and Royalty of Hawkins! I am pleased to start off this wonderful party off with this great new era in our lives! My daughter, Princess Nancy Wheeler and Prince Steve Harrington of the Southern Kingdom are to be wedded soon! It is a joyous occasion when two come together, hand in hand, ready to face the authorities they were born to take on! I am pleased that such a sophisticated fit young man will marry my perfect daughter. SO! Let us enjoy this evening! The invitations for the wedding will be sent to you all very shortly! Now then! Enjoy the rest of your night in this beautiful new castle, and the rest of your time here for the next few days! And also! Please let us give a warm welcome and applause to the new Royal family who has taken us into there wonderful home and will take care of us while we stay here! Give a big applause for the Byers! 

Queen Joyce

Prince Jonathan

And finally

Prince William!"

The applause rumbled the room. Loud cheering and whistling. But it all turned into back round noise for me.


What a perfectly right name for him...

I clap appropriately, but my mind is still in the clouds. As people start to leave the space before the stage, I am left zoning out. My mother hates when I do it, she says it ruins my mind, and that daydreaming is for when I have free time. But I couldn't help it. I wanted to know so much about this boy that I've never met.

I am moved from my smooth thinking flow and am brought back to the real world when I feel a light tap on my shoulder. Loud chattering and talking is brought back into my senses, which brings quite a knock back for me. I turn and see Elle smiling up at me.

"Do you maybe want to get a drink? I hear the punch is good." She asks calmly. She's always had a mellow voice, she fumbles on a few words, having trouble pronouncing and saying some. Some sort of speech impediment or something, she goes to speech therapy to try to fix her grammar skills and the way she says certain words. She's improved a lot since she was little, but its still a bit apparent in her speech pattern. 

When Blue Meets Yellow In The West -Byler AuWhere stories live. Discover now