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"I'm finally freed from all crap!"

He just finished another satisfying story with all his crap.

And now...


He's wearing a pure white robe with blue clouds embroidered in it. He had a sword on his waist and a dizi on his hand. The scent of wisteria permeated. The place was so peaceful and the silence was comforting.

It's too comforting.

That made him panic.

He could not help but run outside and see people flying around with their swords and strings being plucked, even when no one was playing the zither.


I thought it was unusual.

"Lan Hua, you are still cooking up your head! You are going to get punished by Master Lan for this!"

Master Lan?

He was dragged by another white-robed person.

"You forgot? Today is the day other Cultivation Sects visit GusuLan Sect! You have to hurry! You are Xichen-gongzu's direct descendant; you should be by his side!"

"Don't forget, you should use your courtesy name, otherwise, Master Qiren will kill you!"

"Wait! I forgot!"



"Your courtesy name is Lan Luhan, your name is Lan Hua. Do not tell me you forgot your own name?" this friend frowned, wanting to smack him mercilessly.

They had arrived at the gates of GusuLan. The winding stairs were too difficult to manage!

He panted, noticing two long-haired young men wearing the same uniform as him. They appear immaculate, as if they were paintings straight from the canvas. The way they brought themselves up speaks of the hierarchy inside the sect.

This seemed familiar.

He kept thinking about where he had heard or something similar to the word Lan. With so many books to read, he had the habit of putting boring or uninteresting genre stories in the back of his record.

He remained silent, racking his brain to recall where he had heard GusuLan or something.


"What is wrong, Hua-di? Being late is unusual for you."

He was not sure how to respond.

"I finished some work?"

"Lying is prohibited," said the stone-faced younger boy, who appeared to be older than him. He even recited without batting an eye!

He frowned and looked at the older boy, who laughed at him.

"Cut him some slack, Wangji, it hasn't been long since he came here after Grandmaster Sheng died. He's not used to the strictness of the sect."

The young teenager, named Wangji, did not say anything. He just turned around and remained as prickly as ever.

Ugh. Another prick. He looked like someone who's approaching the menopausal stage.

So stern!

He stood right behind them but the older boy made him stand beside him.

He simply mimicked the older man's greeting, bowing of the head and hand gestures. It is not that difficult. He had the grace and elegance of a mastered noble right down to his bone! He was able to copy them and make that movement his own after only one observation.

"I am glad you have been coping well inside the sect."

"Thank you, Young Master."

"Xichen-Dage," the man said, smiling at him.

"Yes, Xichen-Dage."

Before doing anything else, I need to check my background. I will definitely bust up my shit!


One damn big but...

He stared at the color soup that was served to him.

He raised an eyebrow and observed how everyone took it casually.

He looked at Xichen and Wangji, as well as the delegates from different sects.

He grunted and stared at it as if it were an enemy.

It does not look very appetizing.

He took his spoon and sipped one.

The bitterness and sourness collided, and the vegetables were so bland that he felt confined to a hospital.

No, it is worse than hospital food.

Damn it.

His hands trembled.

This is something I refuse to accept.

He could not stop the chills from the thought of eating this food in his entire life.


Just why is that old man now where to be found when I needed him the most.

I miss Vicross food.


He screams...

Internally though.


Grandmaster of Trashy Cultivation [TCF x MDZS/GDC]Where stories live. Discover now