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"Fuck it all. Fuck it all. Can't take this shit anymore... fuck it all... fuck it all... flip the table! screw you all!" Lan Lulan had been singing this NSFW version of Let It Go inside his head.

He got into a more troublesome world than he expected.

I can't believe I fucking miss Ron and Vicross for the first time in my life! Where are you, Ron? Hello! Vicross! Where are you?!

He had never missed Ron or Vicross before, but he now does. He fucking does. He missed the delicious savory of the steak, the sweetness of apple pie, and the flawless taste of Ron's Lemon Tea from Hell.

You fucking bastard god of death! You better bring Ron and Vicross here or I will burn your temple in this place!!!

He knew he used to dislike the fact that the vicious duo followed after him.

If they did not come here...

I'm doomed. Very... very... doomed.

Doomed to die in a very miserable fortune!

This is why I shouldn't have taken those vicious duo for granted! Damn it!

Lan Hua is courtesy of Lan Luhan, Grandmaster Lan Sheng's grandson. Lan Qiren rescued a twelve-year-old boy from Yiling—him. It appears that news of the grandmaster's death reached GusuLan. It sought out Lan Qiren and the elders to find him, a direct descendant of the Lan clan. He was discovered sick beside his grandfather's body. So it is only been six months since he arrived at this stuck-up goatee mountain.

He has a strong cultivation base, a strong golden core, and the ability to play any instrument, but prefers the dizi or the xiao. Not to mention that this boy prefers to create spiritual instruments rather than practice cultivation.

There are four more people of legitimate Lan descent, including him. Qingheng-jun, Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen, and Lan Wangji. Lan Sheng was Qingheng-jun and Lan Qiren's uncle. His father died on a night hunt, and his mother died while giving birth. Lan Sheng chose to live with him in order to find his son, but he died of illness as a result of his poor health.

He also inherited one thing from his grandfather: the ability to create spiritual musical weapons. A gifted craftsman at such a young age.

He did try carving a Xiao and it turned out well.

I retain the body's skills despite being a different soul.

But there's a more pressing matter than crafting.

"Ah. I'm hungry." This is the first time in his life that he ever thought of the blissful days of tasty foods, the countless treats and snacks, the tasty apple pie, and said, "I can't believe I'm missing that old man's lemon tea."

He slumped onto his bed. While everything is of high quality, from the accommodations to the books to the daily supplies, the food is inferior to that of a hospital.

The tea is quite bitter.

The soup was quite bitter and sour.

The remaining foods were blandly cooked or simply blanched with no salt or pepper.

Not only that but there are three bowls. Anyone would be hungry after only three bowls of rice!

The only saving grace here is the taste of high-quality rice, which he had missed since those steak-prone hypertension days.

He let out a sigh. He does not even have the motivation to leave. Not to mention that there are a thousand rules that everyone must follow.

"I am going to die early in this place."

Grandmaster of Trashy Cultivation [TCF x MDZS/GDC]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang