" just a friend " » kou minamoto

Start from the beginning

What felt like to Kou, Hanako's whole mood switched in an instant to a more bright version of Hanako. "Yashiro! You're heeerrre!!" Hanako slightly cheered, hopping on to his feet.

Yashiro nodded with her worried-like smile on her face. "Sorry.. I had some extra things to handle."

Kou felt the need to speak up right now, so he did. "It's alright, just glad you were able to make it." Kou nodded with a smile. He felt Hanako quickly eyeing him from the side, yet he still had a smile on his face.

As things settled down, the silence crept its way into the bathroom, making it pretty awkward between the three. Hanako stretched with a sigh, glancing at Yashiro.

"Yashirooo.." Hanako spoke up the girl's name in a humming manner, causing her to look up from the floor she was mopping. Kou also looked up, keeping an eye on Hanako. He had no idea what kind of out of the ordinary stuff Hanako would do to Yashiro.

Hanako motioned one of his hands towards himself. "Come here, I have a surprise for yooouu!" He slightly laughed underneath his breath.

Yashiro's face had confusion written all over it. But, nevertheless she nodded and walked toward the young boy, blinking.

"Get ready." Hanako lowered his voice, placing his hands on Yashiro's shoulders. Yashiro couldn't even respond to what Hanako just said before getting her body stuffed towards Hanako's for a warm hug.

Yashiro froze, biting her tongue with a steamed flustered blush on her face. She looked at Hanako with her eyes slightly widened, still confused. "Wh - huh..? Um, Hanako.. what was that for..?" Yashiro whispered, stepping back as Hanako let her go.

Hanako grew a big smile on her face, clapping his hands together gently. "A reward for doing so great!"

Kou didn't say anything, only looking at the two. Yashiro nodded slowly, smiling. "Ah.. oh, thanks." She added. Kou's heart pretty much sank. He knew for a fact Yashiro kept rambling about Hanako not being her type, but that was a bad example of what he just saw.

Kou noticed something that was basically missing from Yashiro. It was one of her clothing accessories. This was his chance to perhaps help her out with something.

"Um, Nene? Your.. skull thing is missing." Kou spoke before Yashiro paused, quickly touching her chest that her skull brooch would normally be at. "Oh gosh.. you're right. Where did it go..?" She murmured, searching around her area before searching the whole bathroom.

"Hope the Mokke haven't stole it again.." Yashiro pouted, looking up at the Mokke which were right in front of her, shaking their heads - well, small pink bodies.

Yashiro let out a worried sigh, looking back at the two boys. "I'll be right back. Hopefully I dropped it at the door." She shook her head, leaving the two boys alone with silence.

The long pauses of seconds turned into minutes before Kou glanced at the doorway. "I'll go check on her." Kou mumbled, taking his rubbed gloves off of his hands and leaving the bathroom.

"Um.. Nene?" Kou spoke up, looking around to find no Yashiro. He narrowed his eyes, approaching the room area he'd usually find Yashiro in.

After searching for a while, Kou finally spotted Yashiro in the academy's kitchen, frantically looking all over the room. Some of the propped up items in the kitchen were moved.

"Nene!" Kou smiled in relief, rushing over to the girl's side with his smile halfway fading. "Still no luck on finding it..?" Kou lowered his voice as Yashiro looked up at him with a small head shake.

"No.." She started with a pout. "I don't know where it could've gone.." Kou hesitated on whether to place a hand on Yashiro's shoulder or not, but he finally decided not to.

Yashiro sighed, rising from her kneeling position. "Um, can I be honest with you, Kou?" Yashiro mumbled out of nowhere. Kou slightly tensed up, but formed a smile. "Of course, what's up..?" He questioned with a wavered voice.

"It's been months since Hanako promised that he'd tell me about his past. He's never brought it up once." Yashiro swallowed.

Kou placed a hand on his waist, exhaling underneath his breath. "Maybe he's not ready yet. It's not like I know anything about him, but it probably takes time." Kou nodded.

Yashiro nodded as well, smiling a little. There was a long pause between the two before Kou found the chance to tell her how he really felt.

"Hey, Nene? Can I tell you something?" Kou rubbed the back of his neck, trying not to run over his words all at once. Yashiro slowly nodded, looking up at Kou.

The yellow haired boy stiffened, balling up his hands behind his back. "I don't know how to exactly put this but, I pretty much see you more as a friend." Kou immediately closed his mouth afterwards, trying not to lose his composure that'd be overrun by his nervousness.

Yashiro's eyes widened with a off guard fluster of pink blush towards her face. She opened her mouth, only for a soft sigh to leave her throat. Kou looked at Yashiro concerningly, noticing she was shaking a bit.

"Nene? Are you okay?" Kou asked with a soft, low voice before Yashiro nodded quickly. "Oh, yeah! Just a bit shocked, hehe.." Yashiro covered her mouth a little.

After Yashiro calmed down, she took a breath. "Kou.. you're a great friend but I don't know yet.." She paused before there was silence again.

"Hope you understand.." Yashiro mumbled afterwards. Kou immediately nodded. "Yeah, yeah! I understand, don't worry, Nene." Kou smiled gently.

"I hope you find your skull thing soon, too." Kou added, approaching the door. "Ah.. thanks." Yashiro fidgeted with her hands a bit before watching Kou make his way back to the bathroom, eventually following afterward.

Kou slowly walked one step at a time, a lot building up in his mind. Well.. He started, a smile inching across his face.

..She didn't say no.


i prefer hananene more, but i kinda appreciate others who like kounene <3

have a great day !!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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