"You haven't been there yourself?" Lagno asked, regardless of already being ignored once.

"I have." Veron deigned to answer him.

"But you just said 'according to what I've heard' . . ."

"You go in there and meet whomever you've come to meet, Suakasai. I'll look around for a moment."

As the two went their own ways, Veron also went away westward until he reached a small spring where he found whom he had been looking for. Emerald was sitting naked on the edge of the spring, splashing water with her feed holding a young girl in her arms who was left breast.

"Hello, there!" Emerald smiled at Veron maddeningly beautifully.

"Good morning, Emmy! Is that your new friend?"

"Yes. This is little Arshida. She was hungry; so, after giving her a bath, I thought I'd feed her a little."

"Always so kind."

"True; but this time my kindness is special. She's one of us! Isn't that exciting?!"

"Is she indeed?"

"What are you thinking, Veron?" Arshida asked Veron Ideally, without releasing Emerald's nipple from her mouth.

"Iglesueyan beer is amazing." Veron answered her, also Ideally; though he did not have to.

"What else?"

"These trees are breathing."

"Come on . . ."

"That I'm glad I've met you. And that I wonder how much you know about me; considering you already know my name."

"I know that you're currently the only living dragonborn. I also know - and even you might not know - that you're the only person in history to be simultaneously a source, a medium, and a dragonborn."

"I wouldn't say I didn't know it, but I hadn't really paid any attention to it. It is interesting now that I think about it. But it doesn't make me feel any pride."

"Why do you kill humans? It's not nice to harm what breathes."

"What are you talking about? Intelligent lifeforms become parasites when given to spirits that don't deserve them. They are hurting Mother."

"If you are doing it for Mother's sake, then I can't blame you. But I don't like it. And if you kill the people who have become my new family . . . I won't say that I won't forgive you; but I'll become very lonely. And I'm already pretty lonely."

"I won't. I promise. You're my friend."

"I'm everything's friend."

"I'm your friend too."


"Good fortune!" Emerald interjected physically.

"Who are these people whom you call family, anyway?" Veron said, now physically.

"You've already met two of them." Arshida turned around and sat up in Emerald's lap, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Emerald smiled adoringly and kissed her on the top of her head; but, to Veron's surprise, still spoke Ideally. "And even before them being reunited with me."

"Suakasai and Lagno?"


"I might have treated Lagno a bit Harshly. Please forgive me."

"She's kind. She'll forgive you. I forgive you too."

"Thank you. But . . . can you explain to me how they became special to you?"

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