Hyunsuk opened the chatting application on his phone. Jihoon was active 2 hours ago. Maybe the younger Alpha is already asleep now. Hyunsuk decided that he will just text Jihoon tomorrow or something. Hyunsuk started his car and drove home. Hyunsuk's steps stopped as he walked out of the elevator. He saw someone in front of his door, sitting down, hugging their knees. Hyunsuk walked fast approaching his door. It's Park Jihoon who's asleep in front of his door. Hyunsuk squatted down in front of Jihoon. Probably because Jihoon heard his footsteps or because he sensed his movements, Jihoon opened his eyes and looked at Hyunsuk.

“Ah. You're home, hyung,” Jihoon said.

“Why aren't you telling me that you're coming?” Hyunsuk asked.

“I just don't want to bother you,” Jihoon said. Hyunsuk sighed. He stood up and pulled Jihoon to stand up as well before he opened the door. He pulled Jihoon inside his condominium and closed the door. Hyunsuk stood right in front of Jihoon while crossing his arms after closing the door. “Are you angry that I waited for you?”

“What's the temperature outside?” Hyunsuk asked.

“I’m not sure. I didn't check,” Jihoon answered.

“It's freezing, Park Jihoon. It’s autumn now and almost winter. And yet, you're waiting outside? Are you crazy?” Hyunsuk asked.

“You are indeed angry,” Jihoon mumbled.

“Ugh!” Hyunsuk walked inside. Leaving Jihoon standing there. The older Omega went to the kitchen and opened the drawers. Searching for something. Jihoon slowly walked toward Hyunsuk.

“Hyunsuk hyung,” Jihoon called him after fidgeting for a moment. Hyunsuk didn't even look at him. “Hyung,”

“Hm,” Hyunsuk hummed but in a cold way. Jihoon gulped his saliva. He didn't expect that Hyunsuk would be that angry at him. Sure. He has made the Omega angry at him many times already. But most of the time just annoyed Hyunsuk, not to the point that he was furiously angry or something. But this time, it seems like the Omega is really angry. He didn't even glance at him even a bit.

“I’m sorry, hyung. I won't do it aga-” Jihoon startled when Hyunsuk put an empty mug in front of him quite hard.

“Oh! Sorry. I didn't mean that,” Hyunsuk said. Apologizing for putting the mug, almost like slamming it. Hyunsuk then poured tea that he just boiled into the mug in front of Jihoon. Jihoon is quite confused with what had happened. He looked at Hyunsuk, demanding an answer or explanation. “It's hot tea. It will warm your body. You’ve been out for quite a while, haven't you?”

“You are not mad?” Jihoon asked.

“I am mad at you,” Hyunsuk said. “You've been telling me to not only look after other people. You've been telling me to take care of myself and put myself before. You told me to think about myself. But look at what you did? You didn't even think about yourself but letting yourself outside in this freezing weather just because you didn't want to bother me?”

“I’m sorry,” Jihoon said. Hyunsuk sighed. He took out something from his bag. It's a keycard. He handed it to Jihoon.

“It’s a spare keycard. You can use it,” Hyunsuk said. “Try to think about yourself first as well. And I will do the same,”

“Alright, hyung,” Jihoon said. “How is the press conference?”

“Tiring,” Hyunsuk said.

“Have you eaten?” Jihoon asked.

“We had some snacks during the meeting,” Hyunsuk said. “What about you?”

“It’s day one of dieting. We're going to start promoting our comeback too soon,” Jihoon said.

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