Phir Woh Din Aaye

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It had been 8 months since Zoya had gone to her aunt, And for the last 8 months Aditya has been trying to find out where Zoya has gone, but till date Wasim is not letting him know where she has gone. Every moment without her was like a year for him.

Aditya, whom everyone loved, had disappeared somewhere after Zoya's farewell. He was not interested in anything.  Only one thing was troubling him that where is Zoya? He tries hard to find out something about Her from somewhere but Every time Aditya gets disappointed.  Whenever he tries to talk to Zoya's mother about this.  Her mother brushes it off and soon months turn into years.

Aditya's father Harsh also tried to explain to him many times that he should not think so much about this and pay more attention to his studies, but he kept thinking only about Zoya. He was never interested in his studies. For this reason Aditya was also sent to the hostel.

Aditya was very enthralling of music.  He completed his hostel studies and took music classes from a very good university in America. After Zoya, if Aditya loved anything from his heart, it was music and after she left, Aditya put all his talent into music. Over the years, Aditya wrote many good songs and performed many good concerts.  People liked his voice so much, Whenever Aditya's new song album was about to be released, all its copies were booked very soon.

And when Aditya was about to do his live singing concert show, his concert tickets used to be housefull in the first hour itself.  People used to stand in long queues and wait for their tickets. There was a lot of crowd around Aditya but inside he was completely alone.  He was waiting only for the person who had been parted away from him. Within no time, Aditya's childhood turned into a young and handsome man, Now Aditya is 25. Many beautiful girls surround by Aditya but he never gives importance to any girl because for him there is only one girl for him and that is his Zoya.

Even today when Aditya's phone rings or he receives a message, He feels that perhaps it may contain some information about Zoya through which he can reach her. But every time he gets disappointed.

Aditya is in a different country, away from Mumbai, away from his family.  That's why Wasim feels that maybe now he has got rid of Aditya and he can call his daughter back to Mumbai.  With him because he is afraid of Aditya that he might go after Zoya again. Wasim also wanted to call his daughter back but because of Aditya he was not able to call her, But so many years have passed.  He thinks that maybe now the inebriation of Zoya's love has gone from Aditya's head, so he thinks of calling his daughter back.

After a few days, Wasim calls his sister asking her to send Zoya back to him.  But at this time he gets the news that Aditya's father i.e. Harshvardhan Hooda has died, due to which Aditya is coming from America. When Wasim comes to know about this, he changes his mind of calling Zoya back.


In Delhi

Staying with her aunt in Delhi, Zoya is completing her MBBS. She was good in studies, so her admission was done in a good university so that she does not face any kind of problem.  Every month Wasim used to deposit an amount in Zoya's account so that she does not have to much contact with Wasim. Wasim had tried every possible way to ensure that Zoya could not reach Aditya in any way.

Zoya was always a fearless and intelligent girl. She was never afraid of anything or nervous about anything, she just knew that there was nothing in the world that could bring her down. She knew only one thing, that was to face every difficulty with courage. Apart from studies, Zoya was always ahead in other activities also whether it was debate competition, or any type of quize competition. In these 8 years, Zoya had perhaps forgotten her past life and had moved ahead.  There was no thought of anything in her new life.

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