32. drifting

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32. drifting

The grand hall was buzzing with chatter and laughter as Shubman Gill and his wife Nandhini entered, arm in arm. Shubman, dressed in a crisp suit, held a small child in his arms, his face lighting up with a paternal glow as he interacted with the little one. 

Nandhini, in a stunning saree, smiled warmly at the scene before her, her heart swelling with affection for her husband.

As they mingled with the crowd, Shubman's eyes caught Nandhini's, a silent question lingering in their depths as he nodded subtly towards the child in his arms. 

It was a gesture hidden with the meaning, a question about their future, about whether they were ready to start a family of their own. 

Nandhini's smile faltered slightly as she hesitated, her gaze dropping to the floor. The weight of her unspoken answer hung heavily in the air, causing a flicker of disappointment and frustration to cross Shubman's features.

Throughout the function, Shubman remained distant, his attention focused elsewhere as he engaged in polite conversation with other guests. 

Nandhini, acutely aware of his silent reproach, tried to bridge the growing chasm between them, but her attempts were met with stony silence.

Finally, as they made their way home in the quiet of their car, Nandhini reached out to touch Shubman's hand, her voice tentative. "Shubman, is everything okay?"

He withdrew his hand, his jaw clenched with suppressed emotion. "I don't know, Nandhini. Is everything okay?"

Her heart sank at the bitterness in his tone. "I'm sorry if I disappointed you," she murmured, her eyes brimming with unshed tears as she turned her face away.

Shubman remained silent, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. The tension between them was palpable, thickening the air with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.

When they arrived home, Nandhini mustered the courage to confront the rift that had formed between them. "Shubman, please talk to me," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion.

He turned to face her, his expression hardened with hurt. "What is there to talk about, Nandhini? You made it clear tonight where your priorities lie."

Tears welled up in Nandhini's eyes as she struggled to find the right words to explain herself. "Shubman, it's not that I don't want children... I just... I'm not ready yet."

His anger flared at her explanation, his frustration boiling over. "Not ready? How long do you expect me to wait, Nandhini? Do you even realize how much this means to me?"

The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, suffocating her with guilt and regret. "I'm sorry, Shubman," she whispered brokenly, her voice barely above a whisper.

With a heavy heart, Shubman turned away, retreating to their bedroom without another word, leaving Nandhini alone with her thoughts and the crushing weight of their unresolved issues.

As Shubman retreated to their bedroom, Nandhini stood frozen in the hallway, her heart heavy with sorrow. The weight of their now strained relationship bore down on her shoulders. The house that was filled with laughter just a few hours ago when they were getting ready now held silent sorrows and disappointment. With trembling hands, she made her way to the bathroom, seeking solace in the confines of its walls.

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