CH.2 pain

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He stormed to his room, an overwhelming sense of guilt hovering over him. He gently closed the door of his room, making sure no one could hear his profuse amount of sorrow filling every inch of his mind and heart, since no one knew he felt this way, ashamed, guilty, frustrated , - only him and the king.

CRASH!! The emotions were too much for him to manage, he grabbed a chair and threw it at the wall, tearing the floral patterned wallpaper.

His room door opened at the loud crash. His mum must've heard since she was in the other room.

"What's going on?" She screamed, appalled from the state of his room.

"Nothing..Just leave." The prince whispered, his head lowering as he spoke like a little kid getting in trouble.

"Is this how the king raised you up?!"

She sighed, her hands on her hip.

"Honestly, I thought a child raised by royalty would be more well behaved then... this"

She looked at him, disgusted.

Prince Mauve clenched his fist, his mind spiralling, imagining vile things.

It's not like his mum ever cared before so why now?

"At Least he cared about me.." he spoke softly, his thoughts escaped his mind before he knew it.

"Oh come on, if it wasn't for me, leaving you on the street, you wouldn't have been raised by a king, and we wouldn't be rich! " She lifted her hands up with excitement.

The prince squinted his eyes with disgust and walked away, leaving her in the room, alone.

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