the first night

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So hi guys. Me someone. So basically this is my first story. Can be shitty so pls don't mind also FYI I'm a huge huge mendes armyyyyy😝. So my first story HAD to be about my boy ❤️. But I hope y'all enjoy it and just pls try to be less rude in the comments 🥲😅. Oh also this is going to be from Shawn's perspective but it might change in between.

It was a cold night in October. I was walking down the street and I had some music on my AirPods. I was not wearing much stuff as I was coming back from the gym. (I took a bath. Don't worry👌). I was just wearing my favourite jacket with a T-shirt and a pair of joggers. I wasn't expecting much to happen that night. But that night changed my whole life.
When I was walking I saw a person approaching me from the opposite direction. I couldn't figure out their face but as they approached me I saw clearly that they were wearing a pair of jeans and a hoodie. They had the hood on. At first sight, I thought it was some sort of a thief and I got scared. So I hesitated to walk further and just approached a bench nearby.
I saw that it was a girl. And as she was coming close I could see her sleeves and all wet. I couldn't make sense of this sight but I was sure that they weren't a threat.
The girl came closer and I could hear her cry in a very low voice now. I was completely clueless about what to do but then I got up from the bench and got back on the footpath. The girl almost crossed me but I stopped her by the hand. And said
*hey what's the matter?*
I asked.
The girl didn't answer anything. All I could hear was her sobbing. She was trying to get my grip off but........ I came from the gym so she couldn't.
I then tried a bit harder voice.
*mam what is the matter that you're crying?*
All she did was wipe off her tears from her sleeve. I got pretty worried at this point because she wasn't answering and she was just crying like anything and trying to make me let go of her grip. But then suddenly a very cold wind blew. I could sense the chilly shiver that went down her body. Her hand shivered badly now. I just wanted to warm her now, I wanted to stop her tears but I couldn't.
Suddenly, she started trembling and losing her control over her body. I grabbed her tightly and picked her up in my arms. I saw her closed eyes all swollen and red. The dark circles under her eyes almost broke my heart. She was probably crying badly. I couldn't help but panic at the moment. I searched for help but we middle of literally nowhere. I found out the nearest hospital and rushed her to it.
I waited for her outside the room.
The doctor told me that she was all fine now and I could see her. It came out to be normal fainting because of the stress and fever.
I entered the room hoping to finally see the girl all fine.
As I came in. She was sitting on the bed with wires covering her sides
I said. while coming closer to her
*Are you ok now?*
she finally said something. i sat in the chair next to her.
*thank...thankyou for helping me*
i said
*no probelem at all but would mind if i asked you a few questions*
she said
*afterall you deserve it. so go on*
she noded. i coukd see the weakness in her body. it was like she didnt even know what the hell is food.
i asked her
*so first qiestion. whats your name?*
she said
*i am kehl and you are ?*
i replied
*shawn. shawn mendes*
she noded.
i asked her another question
*so what exactly happened to you like. i see those damn red swollen eyes like were u crying since ages or what*
she looked down as she replied in a sad tone. she took a dep breath.
*well...i dont even remember how long i have been crying like crazy and well....someone just left the world and...and*
tears start falling down her eyes again. her face was like lifeless.
i tried to calm her down by saying
*hey....hey pls pls dont cry again. youve cried alot and they say taht sharing makes your burden less so. if you want to share then im here*
her face was totally blank and expressionless.
*he was my everything. he was the reason that I was still alive. he was my only hope to survive*
she said in a sad voice. I was listening to her closely.
she chuckled.
*and now. That hope is gone too. so there is no meaning to life*
all I could think at the moment that how important that person must be. I said in a soothing voice as I put my hand gently on her back supportively.
*hey..hey. you just don't go and lose hope to SURVIVE. you shouldn't. That is not what life means. it means living not just existing*
I could see the pain in her eyes.
*you won't know how it feels to lose someone who has been there for you through every single step of life. HE was my world. and now thats over*
i didnt understand what she meant. maybe that person was really important to her.
all i could do was liste to her becuz i had absolutely no idea about what was going on in her life.
the doctor came in with some papers in his hands and reached to me and he said.
* mr.?*
i replied immediately.
*okay so mr. mendes she is now in consiussness but she still needs rest i would suggest her to sleep*
she noded at the doctor. the doc. continued
*also mr. mendes these are a few medicines that she should be takiing daily and the nurse will explain them to her and you*
i nod tahnkfully at the doctor and the doctor leaves.
i see her snuggling up in your bed.
*hey uhmm you should go home now it's pretty late and I don't want you wasting your time here*
She said,
*but m not wasting time here m helping you. I'll go home now and I'll come back tomorrow to check on you ok?*
I reply.
I see that she had already slept. And I decide to leave her room. I take a look at her and leave the room. 

A night at the street Where stories live. Discover now