Chapter 7 New disciple

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"A disciple?" Sasori asked. "Yes, his name is Kotetsu," Tecchin said. "And what exactly do you want me to teach him?" Sasori inquired.

"His ancestors built an advanced battle doll, and it was used to practice swordsmanship and refine the skills of other Demon Slayers. His father died unexpectedly, leaving him a lonely orphan; he was an only child. Unfortunately, this also meant that he alone had the knowledge about the inner workings of the doll, and should it break, no one but him could repair it. This led him to be protective of the doll to avoid further damage. And I would be grateful if you could teach him how to keep the battle doll in top condition," Tecchin said.

"Why does it have to be me?" Sasori inquired. "Sasori, you are the most skilled puppet maker I have met. I don't think there would be a better option than you," Tecchin said.

"Fair enough. Where could I find this young man?" Sasori asked. "He mostly spends his time in the north of the forest cleaning the battle doll I maintain," Tecchin said. "Very well, I will go meet him when I can," Sasori answered as he gave Tecchin a scroll.

"What is this?" Tecchin asked. "The blueprints for my puppets. To give you an idea of what kind of weapons will be suited for them." Sasori answered as he began to leave.

The sound of a bang could be heard. "What was that?" Sasori asked. "Oh, that's just Samuel. He's just excited that someone is finally interested in his guns," Tecchin said. "What is a gun?" Sasori asked. "Go ask Samuel himself; I don't get it either," Tecchin said.

Sasori left the building and traveled to the location where the sounds came from. He entered a clear area with test dummies lined up; some of them had holes in them. In the middle of the field, a man wearing a white hat with blue jeans and a blue shirt, and a brown jacket, wearing a Hyottoko mask with bushy white brows and a mustache. He was holding a sleek metallic device, its barrel elongated with a series of cylindrical attachments. The weapon bore intricate engravings, reflecting the craftsmanship invested in its creation.

"howdy there, young man, can I help you?" The man asked with an odd accent Sasori had never heard of.

"Yes, I was just wondering what you are holding?" Sasori asked courses about the metal object the man was holding.

"Oh, this is a shotgun," the man explained.

"What does it do?" Sasori asked, intrigued by the strange item.

"Let me show you." the man said and pointed the shotgun at one of the test dummies, pulling the trigger.


A loud noise erupted from the shotgun, sending out a burst of force that echoed across the clearing.

With Sasori's reaction speed, he saw a shell of some sort shoot out of the shotgun, impacting one of the test dummies and leaving a hole in its chest.

'That shell traveled at incredible speed; even a Chunin couldn't dodge it,' Sasori thought to himself.

"Can you tell me how it works?" Sasori asked.

"Sure. You load these cartridges into the chamber," the man explained, demonstrating the process. "Each cartridge contains small pellets called buckshot. When you pull the trigger, it ignites gunpowder inside the cartridge, propelling the buckshot out of the barrel at high speed. It's a simple yet effective way to hit targets at a distance."

Sasori observed the explanation, processing the information about this unfamiliar weapon.

"If you want, I can make you a gun if you're interested," the man said.

"I'm interested, but this shotgun is too big. Got anything that would be easier to carry around?" Sasori asked.

"Definitely. I can make you a handgun. Very easy to carry around," the man said.

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