72 | it is a time out

Start from the beginning

"I'm gonna die." Denny panics.

"You're not gonna die, I promise. It's the meds." Izzie tells him.

"Yeah, we're heading back to flatline." Cristina says, as the monitor beeps faster.

"Are you sure we used the right drugs?" Maddison asks, as they all go pale.

"The book said it was right." George tells them.

"I used the one I know." Meredith says.

"He's not going to die, right? Right? Right?" Izzie turns them, as the beeps increase.

Denny flatlines and the intern's eyes widen, panicking. But after six seconds his heart starts beating again.

"You fools better have a good explanation for this." Bailey's voice comes, and they all snap their heads to the door, where Bailey was standing with Olivia behind her. "Step away from the patient." Everyone except Izzie takes a step back. "Step away from the patient."

"I can't. I have to pump his heart." Izzie replies, making Bailey look down and see the cut LVAD wire.

"Olivia, take over for Dr. Stevens. Izzie, you're done here. I need you to leave the room." Bailey tells her, and Olivia slowly walk towards the intern.

"Izzie..." Olivia says.

"No! Do not touch me!" Izzie snaps, making Bailey looks around the room.

"Olivia, stay with Dr. Stevens. Help her if she'll let you. You four. Outside. Now!" Bailey tells the others, and they take a step out of the room. "Where was rational thought? Where was cognitive thinking? First do no harm? The morals, the ethics? Where was sanity when you three decided to help that girl?"

"We didn't..." Meredith tries.

"No, no. No speaking. Nobody speaks." Bailey snaps. "I do not want to have to testify against any of you in a court of law. Not one word." Bailey lowers her voice, her tone disbelieving. "She cut his LVAD wire." George clears his throat. "Look, I said no speaking!"

"I didn't say anything!" George defends.

"I said no moving! Cristina. Burke is asking for you. Go!" Bailey tells Cristina, and the interns nods, walking away. "Maddison, Liam's asking for you, go."

Maddison nods, and shares a look with Meredith and George before walking away.

MADDISON OPENS THE DOOR to Trauma 3, looking inside to see the attending laying on the bed, while the Chief looked at the monitor.

"Maddison?" Liam groans out, as she walks in slowly.

"Shh." Maddison whispers to him, as her eyes get teary. "Don't talk."

"Maddy..." Liam repeats.

"Save your energy." Maddison tells him, reaching for his had.

"The bullet didn't hit any of the vital organs." Richard tells them. "It's a miracle."

"Th-That's..." Maddison let's out a shaky breath. "That's good."

"Since he's lost some blood, we're going to rush him up to the ER as soon as possible to remove the bullet and stitch up the wound." The Chief tells Maddison. "You're welcome to scrub in."

Maddison gives him a nod.

"Chief..." Liam calls out. "Can we... have a moment alone?"

"Sure. But make it quick." Chief tells him, nodding and walking out.

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