𝐒𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐮 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚

Începe de la început

"You did not?"

"All I gave him... Was some paper works"


"And he already handed me those paperwork two days earlier."

"Then... what is he researching?"

More shrugged off as he drank coffee in silence.

"I never ask him about what he researches most of the time since he does whatever he feels like" Moro replied and muttered how you often brush him off whenever he asks about it.

"Not even the boss knows huh?" Said Kouyou sighing as she rarely got to see your research.

"Anyways, We should just rely on the information and handle the guild as soon as possible"

"Yes Ougai-dono"


It wasn't the fact you were traumatized after being kidnapped no, you have faced a similar situation when younger too.

But you were more on edge because something felt admission.

Something like you could grasp information during those times but didn't.

And you just want to ignore thinking more into nothingness.

Your hand holds the glass tube and swirls the golden liquid.

Staring at it letting out a deep sigh and took the other green potion and mixed it with golden liquid.

As you observed the colour mix it.

Your stomach growls as you keep down the mixed potion and your eyes flicker onto the clock that hung up on the wall.

Two of the clocks.

'Maybe I should head out to eat lunch...' You thought to yourself and walked out of the room.

Your hand fishes out the phone from your pocket as you take notice of a certain message.

[The Moby dick will fall on Yokohama to leave the city]

You stare at the message and simply keep the phone inside your pocket.

And walk out of the headquarters after telling the standing guards of your leaving.

If someone else got it they would have informed but you didn't.

And if you were selfish you might have left Yokohama but you didn't after all.

You somehow know it will be stopped one way or another.

Some way.

'I should have agreed with Kouyou to have tea... Well, I have heard a new cafe opens down the road...'


Past time evening.



The man moves and opens his eyes as he takes notice of a silhouette of a person.

One of his hands reaches up for the person.



He sits up coughing out the water as he seems shocked he survived.

"Quiet a fall I will say"

It was a familiar voice as his eyes flickered to take notice of the certain h/c hair as his pupils dilated... As if observing him.

Alchemist (Yandere bungou stray Dogs) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum