Febuary 2nd

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When SpongeBob opened his eyes he was in his own bed. How did he get back home? was it just a dream? "Meow!" Gary cried from from downstairs, "What's going on Gary?" He replied walking down the stairs. Gary turned the tv on with one of his eye stalks and switched it to the news "Breaking news!" The anchor announced "A giant tentacle monster is attacking sleeping bikini bottom citizens!". Oh no. "Police cameras have identified footage outside the home bikini bottom resident SpongeBob SquarePants." Oh no. Sure enough when they played the footage, it was a giant Squidward, slowly and gently lifting him into his house through his bedroom window. He quickly turned the tv off, "Well that answers those questions.". He fed Gary before heading off to work, maybe he could ask sandy why Squidward was giant, I mean she is super smart. "SpongeBob me boy!" Mr Krabs shouted as SpongeBob walked through the door. "Are ye okay? Are ye hurt? Can ye still work?!"."Mr Krabs I'm fine, It's just Squi-". Mr Krabs quickly clamped his claws around his lips, "Not so loud me boy." He sternly whispered. He dragged him into his office with his claws still firmly on his lips, only releasing after he locked the door. "dward. Why did you do that?" SpongeBob finally finished. "I cant have me customers know that I hired a monster!" Mr Krabs stated in hushed anger, clamping his claws above his head. "Mr Krabs, Squidward isn't a monster!" SpongeBob retorted. "Squidward ain't a monster, but what it turns into when February rolls around, is!" Mr Krabs stated matter-of -factly, SpongeBob was angry but he just wanted to make some krabby patties. "Look, Mr Krabs, we can talk about later-" "No! We talk now! I can't be losing me best fry cook! Don't go near it again!" SpongeBob stormed out, he needed to leave before he said something he regretted. Work went by as usual with a failed plankton attack. After work he went straight to Sandy's treedome, hoping to find some answers. "Sandy," SpongeBob said while entering the treedome, water helmet firmly on, "can I ask you something?". "Sure thing SpongeBob, what ya need?" Sandy patiently responded. SpongeBob was arranging the words in his head so as to not give away too much about his situation. "So I have this friend," doing great so far, "his name is," he paused for a moment "Bobsponge.". Sandy won't suspect a thing. "He's having some trouble because his friend, Octward, is being made out to be a monster," Sandy looked at SpongeBob smugly. "But my friend, Bob knows that Octward wouldn't hurt a fly, so he's really mad that people are freaking out just cause he got bigger!", He was unintentionally getting riled up. Sandy put her hand on his back to calm him down. He took a big breath and continued. "So anyway, my friend thinks that you might be able help them by telling them why squids grow during February?" Sandy looked at him, smiled and said "Is the friend you?", SpongeBob hadn't given any indication it was him so he was a smidge surprised, but at the same time relieved that he didn't have to hide it. "Yeah." He said, hanging his head. Sandy giggled to herself, "Alright, I think heard about this in one of my marine biology books!", she said, heading into her tree. Banging and clanging were heard before she stepped out with a giant book almost as big as her! "Aha! He we are!" She exclaimed flipping to a page about squids. "Due to squids being solitary creatures, they will often grow to large sizes to find mates easier, with the larger squids being more attractive. Due to being larger targets they grow extremely aggressive to non squids.". Well that explains the size. "Wait, then how come he wasn't aggressive to me?" SpongeBob retorted. Sandy paused and thought to herself about it for a bit, scratching her head. "Maybe we could run some tests! A good experiment will really Dill my pickle!" Sandy excitedly replied. "I mean, help us figure out why he wasn't aggressive." She said, quickly correcting herself. "Tomorrow we'll see just what is going on."

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