Chapter 2: Talk

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Two weeks have passed since Izuku and Aiya moved into their new house. He planned on having a get together with his neighbors and his team.

Izuku had gotten Aiya enrolled into a elementary school after putting it off since his wife and her mother passed. Whenever he dropped her off at school he cried in his car. It was her very first day of school. And Hiromi couldn't be here for it. All because of a spikey explosive blonde who has never listened to orders.

Once he got home he walked inside and sat on the couch running his fingers over his necklace for hours.

He looked down at the rings, "I. I-I really wish you could have been here. S-She. She was so happy. So excited. I-I've never been good with emotions. Showing them o-or how to acknowledge them. B-But you. You did. You helped me understand. But. W-Without you. I-I don't know. I-I knew she was so happy. B-But I d-didn't know how to show or say I was happy for her too. I-I was. I-I really was. Our little girl."

He clenched his fist, "I-It's his fault. His fucking fault. The reason your not here. The reason she is without a mother. The reason we had to move. Away from our old home. Our old friends. And he gets off fucking scot free. All because he is the number nine hero."

He looked at his hand, "I swore I would make changes. And I did. But not enough. Heroes still get off with shit they shouldn't. And him. I swear Hiromi. I swear I will get his ass. He will rot in a fucking cell. Even if I have to use a deleter to fucking do it."

He heard the door bell go off.

He got up, "Who is it!?"

He heard a familiar male voice, "You invited us dumbass!"

He wiped his eyes, "One second Street!"

He walked over the door and opened in. He noticed it was entire team along with Annie Deacon's wife and their four kids.

"C-Come on in guys. S-Sorry if it seems kind of a mess. Me and Aiya have still been getting used to this whole thing."

They nodded and Deacon spoke, "No problem kid."

"I'm thirty one."

"And I'm fourty seven. Old enough to be your dad."

Izuku chuckled, "Well sixteen year old's are starting to have kids. Maybe you are my dad."

Deacon shook his head, "Dear god I hope not."

The group laughed and Izuku let everyone in.

As about an hour passed everyone was chilling watching T.V., talking, on their phones, reading, being outside, or if you were Deacon's kid trying to drown each other in the pool.

Izuku had just gotten back from picking up Aiya from school and she couldn't stop talking about it. Her smile radiant and lighting up the entire car.

Once he unbuckled her she jumped out and she looked around at all the cars, "Are all my uncles and my auntie here!?"

Izuku ruffled her hair, "Yes they are. Uncle Sho will be over later with majority of our neighbors."

She stopped in her tracks, "W-Will um. W-Will h-he b-be h-here?"

Izuku got down on his knees to be eye level with her, "He will not. And if he does try to show up I will get him out of here. I promised I will protect you and nothing would ever harm you. Especially him."

She hugged him, "T-Thanks P-Papa."

He hugged her back, "Anything for you sweetie."

Once they left go Aiya ran inside and changed to go swimming.

Swat Leader Izuku Midoriyaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن