"Sir, this René Alejandro arrived in the country with several other people who we identified as people working in his cybersecurity company," his P.I. reported. "They are all staying in the same hotel but only René Alejandro is checked in at a penthouse unit. We attempted several times to find out more details about them but I'm sorry to say that we are unable to discover anything more substantial than what we have right now."

Jin Liwei frowned.

"I think that it's maybe because they're all working in a cybersecurity company. Securing their own personal information and making it hard for just anyone to get them are the best assurance that they can provide to their clients."

"Maybe," Jin Liwei murmured.

He wanted to dispel all of his suspicious as soon as possible but a quick glance at his wristwatch showed that it was almost time for his wife's daily afternoon nap. If he didn't remind her, she would compose music until tomorrow without any break.

After giving his P.I. additional instructions, he ended the phone call and returned to the makeshift piano room. And indeed, his wife was still in the zone. He paused by the doorway because he just had to admire the music. It sounded fuller than earlier, as if she was slowly injecting soul into the music that she was composing.

Incredible as always.

Then he finally approached her and wrapped his arms around her waist before pressing a soft kiss on her cheek. Her hands stopped mid-movement on the piano keys. It took a few seconds before she could pull her consciousness out of her creative zone and return to her present surroundings.

"Darling," she murmured, still a little absentmindedly.

"Yes, love. It's me. Time for a nap."

She looked torn but eventually sighed and nodded. Her hand subconsciously rubbed her stomach.

"Hungry?" Jin Liwei asked.

She started to shake her head but stopped before nodding.

He smiled. "Then let's eat some snacks first before taking a nap."

"I want chocolate."

"Alright. Let me call the chef." Even as he said this, he was already leading his wife out of the piano room.

She yawned and followed him. Her eyes were already starting to feel heavy but she wanted some chocolate desserts first.

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Chapter 962 - The Wait

Orchidia Beauty.

"Whoa, girl!" Chen Fei exclaimed when Long Jinjing emerged from the bathroom. "I thought that you were pooping because you were taking so long in the toilet. It turns out that you were actually dolling up! Date with the boyfriend?"

Long Jinjing turned red but still nodded. "Ni—Zihao will be picking me up soon. He's taking me out for dinner at a restaurant."

"Ah." Chen Fei nodded before slowly circling Long Jinjing and inspecting her entire outfit. "You look hot in that turtleneck dress. But why are you covering it up with that blazer? Take it off!"

Long Jinjing pulled her blazer tighter to her body to prevent her best friend from removing it. "Xiao Fei, please stop. I need to wear something over the dress because...uhm, it's cold! I'll feel cold if I don't have this blazer."

"Bullshit." Chen Fei snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. "I bet you're just hiding another set of new hickeys. You really need to tell your boyfriend, that beast, not to leave too many marks on the visible parts of your body. This kind of possessive caveman crap is so outdated!"

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