"Backlash?!" Iris became even more worried.

"You look better tonight that you did last week," Jin Liwei commented, also in a nonchalant tone, but his arm wrapped firmly around Iris' shoulders to prevent her from running to her brother.

Both men remembered that she couldn't take her brother's scent right now and didn't want to risk her getting sick again.

"Yeah. I guess it gets better with experience."

"Experience, huh? So you're okay with letting my fifth brother's remnant take over more often?"

Nikolai glared at Jin Liwei. "Hell no! F.u.c.k this shit! I don't want to go through this again."

Jin Liwei chuckled but sadness and regret flashed in his eyes.

Upon seeing her frustrated confusion, her brother gave her a brief explanation about the backlash both he and Lu Zihao's remnant would experience every time he allowed the remnant to take over. Nikolai would experience lethargy while the remnant would need to recharge for a longer period of time. Learning from what happened last week, they kept the takeover very short this time to minimize the backlash.

In the end, Nikolai felt too exhausted to leave tonight so he decided to sleep over at the mansion with Long Jinjing again. Iris was glad. She often missed her brother if they didn't see each other for too long.

Back to the present, Iris and Jin Liwei were lying on their bed. She couldn't sleep because her mind was still thinking about everything that happened during the meeting.

"Darling," she called.


"Do you want Fifth Brother's remnant to stay?"

He stared at the ceiling and didn't answer right away. "I can't lie to you. Yes, I want my fifth brother's remnant to stay."

"Big Brother won't let him," she whispered.

His mouth curved into a sad smirk. "Don't underestimate Fifth Brother. He's happy-go-lucky, yes, but he's still the grandson of Grandpa Lu. He won't be defeated so easily even if it's against your brother, Nikolai Vetrov."

"I just hope that whatever happens to the two of them, that it won't be dangerous. Just like how you care for Fifth Brother, I also care about Big Brother."

"I know, love. I know."

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Chapter 902 - Inspiring

Ming Li, a.k.a. LittlePhoenix, wiped her wet hands on the skirt of her brand-new formal dress that she bought with her mother as soon as she received the invitation. The dress was nothing too fancy but she felt like a lady while wearing it. She hoped that she could channel even just 1% of Boss Iris' gracefulness and elegance during the party today.

At the moment, they were driving on their way to the party. She sat in the backseat while her father drove. He was Ming Li's plus one guest. Sitting in the front passenger seat was Zhou Mei'er, a.k.a. CaptainBlackStar, founder and president of the Black Stars fan club. Zhou Mei'er didn't bring anyone to accompany her so she hitched a ride with the father and daughter instead so that they could go together.

"I'm so nervous," Ming Li said. "I wonder what kind of party Boss Iris is throwing today. The invitation didn't mention anything." [This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l . c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading this chapter on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very discouraging to see thieves profitting from my hard work. Please support the original author, ArriaCross. Thank you!]

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