"I was working with Tohru!"

"Wah? I wanna work here too!" (Y/N) says passionately.

"No! You mustn't ruin your hands with work! I won't allow it!" Momiji says hugging (Y/N) tighter.

"But I wanna work with you and Tohru..." She says with a frown and Momiji gets real close to her ear.

"No~ No working for you, and don't ask why. It's just because I said so." He whispers into her ear, causing her face to turn red.

"E-Eh..? O-Okay..."

"Good girl..." He says before giggling like his normal self.

Yuki Stares at the two, observing how (Y/N) turned red, and how close the two are. 'These two are...Close. No way, (Y/N) can't be dating anyone yet, she is too innocent.' Yuki thinks to himself.

"Oh? (Y/N)?" Both Momiji and (Y/N), as well as Yuki, look to the door to see Tohru.

"Tohru! I came with Yuki to see you today!" She says with an adorable smile, and she quickly gets smooshed into a hug, Tohru taking her from Momiji.

"You're too adorable! Oh I love you!" Tohru says squealing.

"Thank you..."

"(Y/N), here," Momiji takes her hand a places a lollipop in it. "It's yummy, try it!"

"Okay!" She unwraps it and places it into her mouth before her eyes light up. "Momiji, what is this amazing thing!?"

"A lollipop..? Have you never had one?"

"Nu-uh!" She says before turning to Yuki. "Yuki can we get more of these things at home?!"

"We have them in the cabinet, you like them that much?" He asks and (Y/N) nods her head rapidly, who knew she had a sweet tooth.
(Totally not projecting again...!)

"(Y/N), next time I will bring you even more candies!" Momiji says and (Y/N) smile and nods at him before making eye contact.

...When the two make eye contact it's different from usual, she looks away and blushes and Momiji grin, neither of them know why she feels so flustered.

"We should get going." Yuki says and (Y/N) nods with her head facing the floor.

"Bye-Bye Momiji...!" (Y/N) says before hugging him and grabbing Tohru's hand.

"Tohru...Can we have a talk at home..?" (Y/N) asks.

"Hm? Is something wrong?"

"Nu-uh...It's just-I feel like you would be helpful..."

(Y/N) looks at Tohru with a smile, she knows having a talk about what she was feeling with Momiji is best to have with another girl, it's girl talk.


"Ah! Welcome back you three!" Shigure says as he see the three walk into the house.

"Hello, Shi-Chan, me and Tohru are going to go upstairs," (Y/N) says quickly, grabbing Tohru's hand.

Shigure Looks at Yuki with a questioning look, and Yuki sighs.

My Flower~(Momiji Sohma x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora