sector 3/9

185 15 5

Next day

Rocky pov

Worker: anna all members are came

Rocky: ok let's go(cocky)

Worker: but anna

Rocky: reyy it is not good to always entry in a style way after all I am just a villain ......and villain look cool irrespective of what he is doing

Worker: haa anna

Rocky:call malla amma

Worker: sare anna

After few mins

Malla amma: Babu pilicharu anta (son u called me?

Rocky: is radhika got up

Malla amma: no babu she is sleeping..... should I woke her up

Rocky : no ....let her be

No one's pov

In meeting room

Guru pandian the politician who controls the Delhi and works under suryavardhan  and now Rocky

Guru pandian: ( to vanaram) if he kept u alive then there is a festival around (smirk)

Vanaram kept silent

Andrews,Daya ,guru pandian,rajendra Desai are settled down on chairs


Their our hero standing in front of big ass door looking sometime deeply

In his face their a glow like he achieved very big thing in his life ......maybe he did who knows

Guru pandian: what did call this meeting

Rocky: apadam cheputhunaru thara tharallu Mee lanti srimanthullu maa lanti peddo laa kii apadam cheputhune unaru

( Lie , from decades u rich people lie to us , poor people.)

Rocky: u say we should stretch our legs how much the bed is , biggest lie ! Why should I bend my legs if I make the bed big it will be fine right(smirk)

The people present in meeting room all are confused

Rocky: when I first saw the map i didn't understand why the current mine called as a sector 3/9

Vanaram is shocked

Vanaram in mind
(My current boss is so intelligent )

All are confused except guru pandian

Rocky: if u ask me I will say greed is good,greed is progress and it progresses.......then the one will become two

At the same time some workers are arranging for blast not in sector 3/9 mine but at different places

After Rocky said two they heard a blast sound

All are shocked and got up only guru pandian is sitting calmly and thinking deeply

Rocky: two becomes three (blast) four,five,six, seven,eight and nine

At the same time

In sector 3/9 mine

Salman: hey what are looking don't u have to work....come

One person: we are not coming

They all are traumatized,the boss is changed not the hell

Salman: why is their a ghost

All are kept silent

In meeting room

Cute Monster Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora