Part 9: Signed Photos

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Y/N made it to the Dungeons just as the bell rang. Her class was still supposed to have another hour with Lockhart, but she couldn't care less. While students were switching classes, y/n ran in to a surprised Professor Snape who was writing on his blackboard like he always did to start the class.

"If I recall correctly, you should be in double Defense Against the Dark Arts right now. Why are you in my classroom?" Snape wasn't being snide, like he usually was with the Gryffindors. In fact, he seemed almost amused that y/n, usually a very tentative student, was skipping one of her classes. 

"I left," y/n said, looking down, her courage suddenly leaving her. 

"And why is that?" Snape was no longer writing and had given y/n his full attention as a group of seventh year Hufflepuffs walked in and took their seats. 

She fidgeted with her robes, not answering for a moment. "I...I caged the Cornish Pixies he was using for a lesson using a spell I read about last night. Lockhart got out from under his desk and told me how he would have used a more powerful spell, and so I said..." Y/N was suddenly appalled at herself for saying that to a teacher.

"Go on," Snape urged. 

"I said, 'Then why didn't you, or was your plan to let second years guess how to cage them while they swung from the ceiling'...or something like that." Y/N had gotten quieter and quieter while she spoke, certain she was about to get detention. But when she looked up, her Professor was grinning. 

"One point from Slytherin, Miss y/l/n. That's no way to speak to a Hogwarts teacher," said Snape, though he was obviously proud for some reason. "However, it sounds like Professor Lockhart put his students in a dangerous situation without any guidance. I'll have to speak to the Headmaster immediately. Now, that still doesn't explain why you came to see me."

"Well, I was wondering if I could be removed from double Defense Against the Dark Arts. Maybe I could work with Madame Pomfrey during this time instead," y/n said eagerly, hoping against hope. 

Snape thought for a moment. "You realize that to make that happen, you would still have to take the class, but with another House, and possibly another year?"


"Very well. While I do not guarantee that this will be possible, I will bring it up with the headmaster when I next see him."

"Thank you Professor," y/n said, nearly hugging him. She caught herself before she even raised her arms, feeling that Professor Snape wouldn't want anyone to see anyone hugging him, even if he wasn't returning it. 

"You're welcome," Snape said, turning to his desk to write quickly on a piece of parchment. "Take this to Madame Pomfrey. This will excuse you to work with her for today. I expect you to go straight to her. Don't wander or you might get in trouble with Filch."

"Yes, Sir." Y/N took the slip from him and left quickly, letting Snape begin his class, and rushed to the Hospital wing to see Poppy.

"Oh y/n!" Poppy swept her into a hug immediately. "How was your holiday? Oh I'm so happy to see you! You weren't scheduled to see me until tomorrow!"

"Hello Poppy! My holiday was great, thanks! I have a note from Snape," she answered, holding out the note. 

Madame Pomfrey had y/n help her clean up and prepare the Hospital Wing for the year ahead. They dusted without magic--Madame Pomfrey thought it was more thorough--and reorganized the potions, removing the old ones, and stocking the ones Snape had newly brewed for them. 

Before the hour was up, beds were made, everything was dusted and polished, and all the shelves and supplies were organized. 

"That appears to be everything," Poppy said, hands on her hips while she inspected their work. "I couldn't have done that all so quickly without you, y/n. How about we go treat ourselves to an early lunch."

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