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Aziraphale- *I continue to suck his dick for the rest of the night*

Crowley- *Crowley, exhausted from the night's events, drifts off to sleep with a contented smile on his face. His cock twitches occasionally in Aziraphale's mouth, leaving a trail of precum for him to enjoy.*

Aziraphale- *I moan and lay next to him*

Crowley- *Crowley wakes up to the feeling of Aziraphale's warm mouth around his cock. He groans softly, his eyes fluttering open to see the boy looking up at him with a mix of lust and adoration.*
"Mmm... You're so good at that," *he whispers, reaching down to run his fingers through Aziraphale's hair.* "I could get used to this."

Aziraphale- I have an idea Crowley?

Crowley- *Crowley raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Aziraphale's suggestion.* "What do you have in mind?"
*Aziraphale smiles and leans closer, his lips brushing against Crowley's ear.*

Aziraphale- We should get married.

Crowley- *His eyes widened to the mention of marriage, he sat up and looked at him excitedly*
"I would be more than happy to marry you" *he said with a smile on his face, his face had a look of excitement and euphoria*

Aziraphale- Amazing.

Crowley- *He smiled and leaned in to kiss him*
"When do you want to do the wedding then?"

Aziraphale- As soon as possible.

Crowley- *He nodded and smiled*
"So you want to have a wedding very soon?"

Aziraphale- Yes Crowley, I do.

Crowley- *He kissed him softly and smiled*
"then lets do it as soon as possible. It doesn't have to be a massive wedding or anything like that, just something small and simple."

Aziraphale- That's just fine with me.

Crowley- *he smiled softly as he kissed him again*
"Then we'll have it as soon as we can. it'll be just a small wedding with close friends. You'll probably have more guest than me, but who cares?"

Aziraphale- *I roll my eyes*

Crowley- *He laughed and rolled his eyes in return*
"You really are a sassy angel"

Aziraphale- *I laugh* You love it though. *I say as I kiss him*

Crowley- *He smiled and kissed him back*
"Well of course I do. It wouldn't be the same without your sass"

Aziraphale- *I smile*

Crowley- *He smiled*
"I never get tired of your sass, even if occasionally I want to cover your mouth."

Aziraphale- *I smirk*

Crowley- *He smirked back and leaned back against the couch*
"So how about we have this small wedding with our close friends, who else would we invite? I would invite my parents for sure they would want to be there for such a huge occasion."

Aziraphale- Of course, and then maybe just a few people around town.

Crowley- *He smiled and nodded*
"Yeah that sounds perfect. Just a small wedding with a handful of people there. Nothing too big."

Aziraphale- Of course. *I smile*

Crowley- *He smiled and leaned in to kiss him again*
"I'm just happy my sassy angel is going to be my legal husband soon."

Aziraphale- *I smile*

Crowley- *He smiled as he caressed his face*
"My future husband. I love that."

Aziraphale- I love that too.

Crowley- *He leaned back with a smile before looking at him*
*he then spoke in a more serious tone*
"I'm going to be honest with you my sweet angel. I've always wanted a proper family. I never had one growing up, so having you and starting to have a family with you. It means more to me than you could ever imagine"

Aziraphale- Would you ever want to have kids? *I say*

Crowley- *He thought about it for a second, he stayed silent for a few seconds as he thought before he finally replied*
"yeah I would actually. I think we would make great parents. We would be much better than the ones we had growing up. we would actually care for our kids instead of just neglecting them."

Aziraphale- Yeah.

Crowley- "We would actually get them toys and things they would enjoy, and we would actually spend time with them."

Aziraphale- We would be the best parents.

Crowley- "Exactly, it would be great. I think we'll make great parents, I think we'll be loving and gentle. We would actually care about our children unlike our parents. We aren't going to let them go through the same kind of trauma we did."

Aziraphale- When we have kids we are going to give them the best life they could ever ask for.

Crowley- *He smiled and nodded happily*
"We would give them the kind of life we didn't have. They wouldn't have to be neglected like us. I'm looking forward to being a father."

Aziraphale- Me too, Crowley.

Crowley- *He grinned and wrapped an arm around Aziraphale's shoulder, pulling him close*
"It's going to be wonderful. We'll make sure of it."

Aziraphale- *I smile*

Crowley- "I'm glad you approve, my dear."

Aziraphale- I'm just glad we're getting married.

Crowley- *He laughed*
"Yes, me too. I can't wait until we actually get married. we should get married in spring"

Aziraphale- I'm just glad we're getting married.

Crowley- *He smiled and rubbed his thumb gently along his cheek*
"Spring is a good season for a wedding. I like the idea of having a spring wedding."

Aziraphale- Me too. *I smile and kiss him*

Crowley- *He kissed him back, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him closer. he smiled afterwards*
"I love you"

Aziraphale- I love you too, Crowley. *I smile*

Crowley- *He smiled as he leaned his head against his chest*
"I don't care what anyone else says, I know you were meant for me and I was meant for you. I can't picture life without you."

Aziraphale- And I feel the same way about you my love *I smile*

Crowley- *He nuzzled his nose against his cheek*
"I'm glad. We'll show them all that we're happy and in love."

Aziraphale- Yes we will.

Crowley- *He kissed him softly on the lips, their tongues dancing together in a slow, passionate tango*
"I love you more than anything else in this world."

Aziraphale- And I love you, my future husband.

Crowley- *Crowley held him close, his heart swelling with love and affection*

Crowleys Angel (A Aziracrow fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن