02 ― the sweet little nerd.

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❝ that's all just a facade

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that's all just a facade. 


She pulled her pillow over her face and screamed into it before tossing it down on the bed. She slowly got out of bed. She took a quick shower before getting changed. When she walked into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee, she glanced towards the couch where Sebastian sat, getting an earful from Marisol about how reckless he was behaving. Between the skateboard mishap that left a cut on his cheek and sneaking out the night before for "night skating" he was giving Marisol a lot to yell at him about.

Nathalie just shook her head as she sipped her coffee. She took a seat at the dining table, listening to Marisol continue to yell while Sebastian just sat on the couch like a bump on a log.

Marisol sighed as she finished yelling, making her way towards the table. Sebastian walked towards his room, disappearing down the hallway.

Marisol placed her head in her hands and groaned as she took a seat. "This kid is going to be the death of me."

Nathalie chuckled. "It could be worse. I mean, he could start acting like me..."

Marisol started shaking her head. "You were an absolute tyrant when you were thirteen. Compared to the crap you pulled, what he's done is child's play."

Nathalie laughed as she stood up and placed her mug in the sink. "You need me to drive Seb to school?"

Marisol shook her head. "No, I can drive him on the way to work. But could you pick him up? I won't give off in time to get him."

"Of course," Nathalie responded.

Marisol thanked her with a smile. Nathalie made her way into her room to grab her backpack before knocking on Sebastian's door, announcing that she was standing in the doorway. Sebastian turned his head toward her.

"Hey, Marisol's driving you to school, but I'm gonna pick you up, okay?" Nathalie asked, receiving a nod from her brother in response. "Wait for me outside of the school. If I don't see you, then it's..." she moved her hand across her neck to resemble the cutting of her throat.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right."

He walked out of his room and waited by the front door for Marisol to finish getting ready. Nathalie waited for them to leave before she left the house, getting into her car.

It was a run down, beat up car that struggled to turn on ninety-nine percent of the time and squeaked whenever Nathalie braked. The paint was chipping away, and the metal was rusted. The car doors creaked every time they were opened. The car had definitely seen better days, but Nathalie just didn't have money to fix it up.

BLAME GAME ; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now