01 ― little miss psycho.

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❝ i'm not exactly the kind of girl you want to be associated with

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i'm not exactly the kind of girl you want to be associated with.


She has always been a light sleeper, on the off chance that she actually managed to fall asleep, and waking up to her neighbor shouting at was not the wake up call Nathalie wanted. She grabbed her pillow and placed his over her ear, trying to drown out the sound, but to no avail.

Nathalie groaned and tossed her pillow to the side before throwing her blanket off. Her feet touched the worn out carpet as she got out of bed and walked into the living room. Her siblings already stood in front of the window; the curtain slightly pulled back as they poked their heads out.

Nathalie walked over to the window and stood behind them. Her younger brother, Sebastian moved to the side, allowing Nathalie to have room to look out the window. Their neighbor, Johnny Lawrence, slammed the door to his apartment shut.

Nathalie rolled her eyes, walked towards the kitchen, and opened the cabinet to grab a cup. "What was his problem this time? Did the convenience store run out of his favorite beer?" she asked as she poured herself some coffee.

Sebastian took a seat at the dining room table. "Or maybe he got fired from yet another job."

Their older sister, Marisol, laughed. "Don't talk bad about the man, all right? Just 'cause he's an asshole who doesn't care about respecting others, doesn't mean you have to be."

Sebastian shoved a pancake in his mouth. "That's a bit contradictory, don't you think?"

Marisol's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You tell us not to talk bad about him, then proceed to call him an asshole who doesn't respect others," Sebastian explained. "You contradicted yourself."

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Nathalie told him as she took a seat, placing her coffee cup on the table.

Sebastian leaned in closer to her and started to chew obnoxiously on her face. Nathalie put her hand on his forehead and pushed him away.

"You're disgusting," Nathalie turned to look at Marisol. "Is it still too late to give him away to the circus? Or drop him off at the fire station in a wicker basket with a note asking them to find him a new home?"

Marisol just laughed and shook her head.

Sebastian swallowed his food. "Please, you'd miss me too much. Who else would annoy you?"

Nathalie rolled her eyes, and she picked up her glass and took a sip of her coffee. Sebastian shoved another pancake in his mouth before standing up and running over to the front door, grabbing his skateboard.

"Hey!" Marisol turned around in her chair, giving him her best motherly stare. "Where are you going? Finish eating before you go skating."

Sebastian sighed and walked towards the table. "It's like, noon, what are we eating breakfast for anyway?"

BLAME GAME ; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now