likes, dislikes, (minor) changes, redesigns, and...

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yeah i have a lot to say-

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first, likes and dislikes:

Likes - Taylor Swift, Writing, Peace and Quiet
Dislikes - Seeing Others Suffer, Night, Blood

Likes - The Outdoors, Hoodies, Cold Water
Dislikes - Mirrors, the Harry Potter Series

Likes - Spicy Food, Co-Op Games, MSI
Dislikes - Competitive Games, Minor Inconvinences, Rats

Likes - Pasta, Waking Up Early, Being Inside
Dislikes - (Extremely) Thin Clothes, Loud Noises, Philosophy

Likes - Maths (duh), Perfection, Clear Answers
Dislikes - Loud Noises, Venting, Being Compared to his Father

Likes - Strawberry Ice Cream, Honesty, Lullabies
Dislikes - Sugarcoating, Feeling Childish

Likes - Fancy Clothing, Covering Up, Chocolate Ice Cream
Dislikes - Talking with Strangers, Not Reaching Expectations

Likes - Cats, Chocolate (any kind)
Dislikes - Puns (a lot), Taking Things Seriously, Romance

Likes - Astrology, Skywatching, Learning New Things
Dislikes - Oranges, Being Alone

Likes - Flowers, Photography, Board Games
Dislikes - Shorts, Orange (the colour)

Likes - Sweets, Daydreaming
Dislikes - the Dark, Spiders, Losing

Likes - Being in Control, Maturity
Dislikes - Glass Bottles, Small Spaces, Shouting

Likes - Pop Songs, Children, Cupcakes
Dislikes - Sour Food, Being Shorter than her Brother

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okay, they're out the way, now onto a few changes:

- Fern is now a pansexual queen. (omg slay)

- I'm most likely going to give Comet ADHD soon, but I just wanna ask: would that be okay with you all? (directed to those with adhd reading this)

- I also have a feeling I'm making these characters act too old for their ages, so their ages may change. (not ranges, just ages - besides i made sure no kids that i plan to ship are more than a year apart)

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next, are a few redesigns

i got bored in gacha club and was like "these are basic asf" so i started adding some things... js to give a lil *spice*

anyways here they are:

anyways here they are:

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