Part 18

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Foxy started ahead strong as he pounded his feet strongly against the floor ahead. Wagner followed after him, Chica had picks up her pace and was right next to him. Bonnie had stayed in the back, he couldn't see that well without his face.
"Do we even know if it's a trap or not?!" Chica exclaimed as she stopped in her tracks. Foxy, Wagner, and Bonnie stopped walking and looked at her.
"To be honest, I'm not sure if it is, but we won't know unless we find out right lases?" Foxy replied in a mellow tone. Wagner started to get nervous and thought to himself, "what if it is a trap...what if Lydia is dead?!" He was stuck in thought, "what if the puppet lied and back there he is going to kill Daniel like it was all a joke?!" Wagner ran back to the puppet in fear, Puppet was still there with Daniel.
"Oh thank God" Wagner quickly panted and he ran back to the others, who were already at the door. Wagner panted heavily, Foxy glared at Wagner giving him a look that said, "Shut your panting they might hear us!" Wagner stopped panting at the face he had been giving, even though his heart pounded heavily.
"Okay on the count of 2 we bust the door open and attack" Foxy whispered, everyone looked at him in confusion as they all thought "2 doesn't he mean 3?" Foxy gave them a look and said again,
"Yes I said 2 that's what I meant!" Everyone gave the relived "okay then" look. Foxy held up his broken hand and mumbled a quiet,
"1....2" with that everyone busted down the door all at once. A loud crash came out of it all, and just as they had thought, there was Lydia sitting in the floor, the Toy Animatronics were no where to be found.
"Don't come any closer they will get you" Lydia exclaimed, Wagner knew she had possibly trained for these situations, her being a cop and all. Lydia's face was covered in blood and oil. Wagner didn't listen to Lydia, and he stepped closer to her. Another shadowy figure appeared behind the 3 left at the door. Once again Chica looked behind and screamed to her friends, but she was to late.

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