Chapter 7

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"I'll go for the ingredients, you go for the broom." He said.
"No thank you. I'm better off with the ingredients.", I replied as I started to arrange them.
"Cleaning doesn't suit pure bloods. I won't repeat, start with the dusting.", he ordered.

Mentioning of "pure blood" as an excuse made my blood boil.
"You being a so called 'pure blood' has nothing to do with it. The already filthy blood flowing through your veins deserves 'cleaning'. So go ahead with the broom. I won't repeat myself.", I spat.

His hand went to his pocket to grab his wand as his eyes filled with anger, but Snape had already taken it with him.

"YOU!", he growled with exasperation, "HOW DARE YOU!". Unable to get hold of his anger, he tightened his fist and threw it towards my face to punch me. I BARELY dodged it and lost my balance.

This was embarrassing. I could feel my heart thumping as my tears were threatening to spill over. How COULD someone be SO ill-tempered?

I got up, and gathering as much courage as I could, I punched his face.
Although it hurt my hand, I never knew I had that much strength in me. He fell down, his hands to his nose.

My heart came to my throat. What was gonna happen now? Snape would know! He gave us a week of detention just for arguing, now what for actual violence? He wouldn't even listen to me when I defend myself. What would I even SAY to defend myself?
What if I get kicked out of the school? I'm not even two weeks into school and I hit a kid? My parents are gonna kill me!

What would his parents do to me? What would HE do if he got up? My muscles were weaker than him!
I thought as I looked at him.

He sat there, looking at his hands. Blood. All over the place. His nose was bleeding. It was broken! I broke his nose! Whattt!

I gaped at him wide eyed. He looked at me, irritated. Irritated? I just broke his nose, HOW IS HE NOT REACTING? I would've killed him if HE did that to me.

His eyes travelled down to my hand, and stayed there. I looked down, and found my fist in a weird shape, bleeding. WHAT! I BROKE MY KNUCKLES HITTING HIM?
He broke out into laughter. Childish laughter, I had never seen him act like that before.

Now that I noticed it, my hand was hurting more and more. His laughter made me feel embarrassed. Tears started flowing down my cheeks. I tried to hide them, I turned around and started to arrange the ingredients, but he could hear my sobs clearly. He stopped laughing and an awkward silence filled the atmosphere.

I hated it. Absofuckinglutely. I could never stop my tears, never. And I would cry terribly in minor inconveniences. Whenever I talked about my feelings, or defended myself, or even felt angry, I couldn't stop sobbing.

After a while, when I got a hold of myself, I turned around. Malfoy was just sitting on the floor, staring at nothingness. He looked up at me when he sensed me looking at him. We HAD TO clean the mess before Snape arrived. It was like he read my mind and stood up.

In the absence of wands, I went out to borrow one as we were already in the dungeons, or grab a mop from somewhere. As I came out, I coincidentally saw a Hufflepuff out there. A Hufflepuff? In the dungeons? Super strange! But I couldn't care less.

I went straight to him and politely asked for his wand. He looked at me strangely. I knew my eyes were red and swollen from crying, but I HAD TO do something! I showed him my broken hand and he handed me wand. I ran towards the class and he followed me.

Before getting in, I stopped him and asked him to stay right there.
"May I know your name?", he asked.
"Kairavi. Kairavi Sharma.", I said as I hurried in.

I saw Malfoy just sitting there, on the table. I couldn't dare say anything after how I embarrassed myself. So I just waved my wand and put everything in place and dusted the room. I cleaned up the blood. Now only one thing was left, our injuries.

Some excuse could be made for one injure, but a broken hand and a broken nose could only means a fight.

So I went to Malfoy and pointed my wand to his face.
"This is gonna hurt.", I said and he looked up at me shocked.
"Episkey!", I waved my wand and heard his painful "Ahhh"

I hid the wand as the door was slammed open. Snape.


I ended up in the hospital wing. I made a story about me slamming a cabinet door into my hand and Snape believed it. He just gave me a pathetic look and sent here.
Malfoy was set free.
Perhaps Delansa was coming to visit me.

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