Day 7: Random

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Day 7: Random
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.

It was an ambush. Nobody was prepared for the attack that happened. The marines had finally decided to rid the world of what they believe to be evil. Turns out the Whitebeard Pirates were first on the list. They gathered all their strength to form one attack that would end the strongest man in the world and his crew.
The day they chose to attack also happened to be the day the second division commander's baby started kicking. Ace was pregnant with the first division commander's child and to say the couple were overjoyed was an understatement. In fact the whole crew were excited for the coming of a new member to their large family so when the baby started kicking for the first time they decided it was worth celebrating. They threw a large party in the baby's honor.
Marco and Ace mainly stayed near their father enjoying watching their siblings make fools of themselves. Ace wished he could join but didn't want to risk it for his child. Marco noticing his lover's distress did his best to cheer him up. It worked and the freckled man was happy as can be. The party continued into the dead of night when mostly everyone was drunk beyond believe hence the reason not one of them noticed the fleet headed straight for them.
It was Ace who first noticed the army headed for the crew. He stood up quickly alerting his older lover and father. "It's an attack!" It was too late they were surrounded and canon balls were being fired straight at them. It took a few seconds to register what was happening in the drunk pirates' heads.
The Whitebeard Pirates had trouble bringing their minds back and tried to fight back with all they had. No matter how hard they fought they were overwhelmed and were losing this battle. Bodies were dropping like flies as attack after attack came and when Whitebeard knew that they would not win did he pull aside Ace and Marco.
He left to his room pulling them with him. Members of the crew making their escape possible a few losing their lives in the process. Inside he turned to them to quickly explain. "Today is the day where we lose a battle but not just any battle. This is our last battle. We will not survive but if we can save at least three then I will count this as a win." The two tried to cut in but Whitebeard silenced them.
"I want the two of you to run away from here. We will make a path for your journey. Do not interrupt we do not have the time. A child is growing and I say we let that child live. This is the only way." The two stared in stunned silence but Whitebeard wasn't done. "I had hoped to meet the little one and help raise the child. That will just be a wish of mine as I will not let you two stay. To many children have lost a or both parents in this world and I will not let that be your little one's story, not if I can help it."
Tears began to spill from Ace's eyes. "Marco I want you to transform fully and carry Ace away from here. That is a direct order from your captain." The two commander's wanted to argue but they knew that their father was right. They followed the giant man out and made it on deck. Bodies littered the floor yet the crew was still fighting.
Those alive were singing and laughing while fighting choosing to spend their last time together with smiles on their faces. Tears spilled from some of their eyes as more people fell to the ground lifeless. The smell of blood filled the air as both marine and pirate were cut down. Yet the pirates showed their strength and fought with all they had. For the family, for each other, and for themselves.
Marco transformed and Ace climbed onto his back. Looking around at the fallen and Ace noticed near the front lay Haruta eyes lifeless and looking at the direction of Whitebeard's room with a smile. Despite the great despair he felt Ace refused to look away from the horrible scene. Whitebeard's booming voice rang out.
"Protect Marco and Ace! We shall allow them a chance to escape!" The pirates cheered and fought a little harder, smiled a little wider, laughed a little louder, now that they knew their death wouldn't be in vain. The marines heard this and tried to attack but Whitebeard finished them rather quickly.
After a few minutes of waiting with Ace crying and sobbing did an opportunity arise. "Good bye and good luck. I'm proud of you my sons, raise that child well and remember that none of you are at fault. Now go!" Marco heard this and flew with all he had straight up into the sky leaving a small trail of flames in his path. The last thing the two heard was the laugh of their father and the cheer of their siblings.
The two made it to a nearby island where they took a small break. Neither speaking to each other only hugging the other close. Ace had stopped crying since he had no more tears to cry. The scene playing in his head like a broken record. "Come on Ace let's see if we can make it to the next island before sunrise, yoi."
Ace stayed seated in the small clearing they found in the forest of the island making no move that he heard the blonde. "Ace?" Marco said sofly as he took a seat next to the freckled man. "I can't believe we just left them to die." Marco looked up at the stars. "We couldn't do anything Ace. It was a losing battle and they wanted you to live along with our child, yoi."
Ace let out a dry sob. "Still it's our family. Shouldn't we stand by them as we fight." Marco wrapped his right arm around Ace's shoulder and brought him to his chest. "We are standing by them, yoi. Didn't you notice that each on of them were losing their will to fight as more fell? Well we gave them a reason to fight. To help us, to help their niece/nephew into this world. While they might not be able to make a family now, we can make our own in honor of their sacrafice, yoi. In honor of our very large family."
Ace nodded leaning against Marco in sadness. Despite Marco's words it still hurt a lot but it was more easier to breath. Ace grabbed Marco other arm and out his hand on his stomach. Ace left his hand on Marco's as both felt the occasional kick from the small child growing in the younger male.

~Ten Years Later~

Ten years went by since that fateful day, both short and long. In that time their child was born. A beautiful blonde and blue eyed boy who looked a lot like Marco. They named this child Sabo Newgate. As the boy grew Marco and Ace learned that he was very intelligent child, which Ace swears came from Marco.
Three years after Sabo was born they had another child, a boy, even though Ace claimed he didn't want more. This one had brown hair and brown eyes, looking like Ace more then Marco. They named this child Luffy Newgate. As Luffy grew they learned he was more childish and not that intelligent, which Marco says comes from Ace.
The couple were happy and proud of their family. After that day Marco and Ace stopped sailing so they remained situated on the island Ace grew up in, Dawn Island. Their Marco met Ace's family the Dadan with her mountain bandits and some of the villagers that Ace was well acquainted with.
That day Ace's eyes lost a certain shine to them that their lives here were able to slightly being back. It made Marco happy and grateful for it especially since he took a trip to the grand line for a year. During that time he searched and searched for a survivor of the horrid day. Nothing no matter how hard he searched he couldn't find anything. When he returned home he told Ace the news which got Ace crying.
Marco held him gently until he fell in a restless sleep which the blonde did his best to get the freckled man to relax. Now Marco has a beautiful family and while he wishes that the Whitebeard Pirates were still around he can always rely on stories. Marco entered his home after a day of work at the docks and found Ace in the living room telling a story about Thatch. Marco leaned against the doorway with a smile. While the blonde wishes for many things that could have gone differently he knows that he is happy and content with his life, grateful for this wonderful opportunity.

Author's Note:
Hello! This is it the end of this wonderful week and I'm sorry its late. I had a great time writing this even if some of them aren't my best works. I hope you enjoyed each and every one of them. I worked really hard and hold a new appreciation for author's that make this look easy. Thank you so much for reading! Oh and if you want to see me write more and have any suggestions then let ne hear them. Bye Bye Luckies! *waves fiercely*

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