Day 4: AU

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Day 4: AU
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.

Ace ran around trying his best to capture the small four year old, Thatch. "You can't catch me!" Thatch then proceeded to stick his tongue out at the day care worker. "Oh yes I can!" Ace faked going down the left hallway, and when Thatch stopped to laugh, as the child tended to do, the freckled man ran out and captured the small boy.
"Got you!" Thatch pouted in Ace's arms but didn't struggle. Ace laughed and began to mercilessly tickle the four year old. Thatch screamed and laughed while begging Ace to stop. "Ace stop that before he gets hurt! Besides Marco is here to pick him up!" Ace stopped to look up see his brother, Sabo, at the end of the hall. The freckled man just shot him a thumbs up before carrying the small kid over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
Thatch just giggled while half heartedly struggling to break free. They went to the main play room to pick up the boy's things before Ace lifted him in the same position and carried him to the front. Marco didn't come often to pick Thatch up so when he did it was a nice surprise.
Once they made it to the blonde Ace put the child down.
"Okay buddy this is it. End of the ride." Thatch pouted before looking up at Marco. "Aww do I have to go? I like playing here." Marco smiled, "Sorry buddy but its time to go home, yoi." Thatch nodded before hugging Ace's leg. "Thanks for playing with me." Ace ruffled Thatch's hair with a fond smile. "Anytime little man. Anytime." As the two headed for the door Thatch stopped and asked Marco if he brought the card. Marco nodded and handed to him.
As Ace was heading for the back to check on some of the other kids Thatch screamed his name that stopped him in his tracks. "What is it Thatch?" The four year old beckoned Ace to get down to his height which Ace did. "This is for you and Sabo and Luffy!" Ace accepted it with a smile, "And what do we have here?" Before Ace could open the letter Thatch told him. "Its an invitation to my party!" Ace looked him in the eye with a wide smile. "Ahhhh so we're invited?" Thatch nodded happily.
Ace chuckled before kissing the boy on the forehead.
Unseen by the two was Marco smiling at Ace with a slight blush highlighting his cheeks. The blonde didn't usually come because of his work, but when he did not only could he see his youngest brother Thatch really happy but he could catch a glimpse of the cute caretaker that worked here.
He didn't really know him other then the interesting stories Thatch told everyone when he got home. What he got from those was that Ace was childish, loved children, and was an optimistic man. Marco, despite wanting to stay to talk to the man personally, called Thatch over. "Come one Thatch. We gotta go! Thank you so much for taking care of him our family really hopes you can attend Thatch's party." Ace smiled at the blonde male. "No need to thank me and I hope we can attend too. Bye bye Thatch!" The man and child left with the younger of the two waving enthusiastically.
Two weeks later and the day of Thatch's party finally arrived. Ace and his siblings decided to go mainly because all three of them wanted to wish the small kid a happy birthday. Luffy was especially excited and the small four year old was practically bouncing around the walls ready to go see his friend.
The three left and went to the address on the card. It directed the boys to a large house that looked extremely fancy. Luffy didn't care much but, the two adults, Ace and Sabo's jaws dropped. In fact the youngest ran out of the car and Ace had to catch him before he just burst through the door. While Sabo gathered the three gifts they got for Thatch.
Sabo knocked while Ace held Luffy down. A young teen opened the door which all three instantly recognized as Haruta, Thatch's older sister and the next youngest in the family. "Hey guys! Come on in." The three entered and were greeted by a large living room and in the middle barely visible was a bored looking Thatch surrounded by adults.
"Thatchy!" Luffy called out loudly. Everyone turned to look and Sabo and Ace blushed in embarrassment, but still greeted the now five year old with large smiles. The adults ignored them, but some glared in disgust at their low quality clothing. "Happy birthday Thatch." Both Sabo and Ace ruffled their hair and gave him hugs only to be shoved out of the way by an impatient Luffy.
Sabo laughed while Ace sighed in annoyance.
They were soon approached by a rather large man. "Ah so you must be the three my son speaks so fondly of." Thatch jumped up with a smile and began to introduce the three. "Dad! These are my bestest friends ever! This is Ace and Sabo and Luffy!" Whitebeard looked at all of them with a critical eye before nodding with a large smile. "Welcome and please make yourselfs comfortable." Ace and Sabo nodded before running after the two children that were running upstairs.
"Marco!" Marco approached with a serious expression on his face. "What do you think, yoi?" Whitebeard looked at the direction of where the boys had gone. "I think they do good for the boy. Better then being surrounded by adults who do nothing but talk about life." Marco nodded with a smile. "Oh and son. I think it would do you good to date the freckled boy." The blonde stared wide eyed at his father.
"What are you talking about, yoi!?" Whitebeard laughed loudly, "Don't think I didn't see the way you looked at him when he walked in. Besides I think you actually have a shot with the boy. He may not know it but he looked at you like you looked at him when he first entered." With that said Whitebeard left to go talk to some other adults. Marco sighed with a hopeful look to his eyes.
A few hours into the party Ace had gotten tired of chasing kids around and was taking a break/hiding in the kitchen. By now the more sophisticated adults had left and the ones that stayed were drunk. As he finished a blonde and blue eyed male entered the room. Ace saw this as a perfect opportunity to get to know the gorgeous man.
"Marco was it?" Marco nodded,"Ace was it?" Ace nodded with a small smile. "Look thanks for coming its kinda hard on Thatch when he has no one to play with, yoi." Ace smiled fondly as he thought of the five year old. "Its no problem really. I like spending time with him." Marco nodded, "Do you like children, yoi?"
"As a matter of fact I do. What gave it away? The fact that I work at a day care or that I'm spending my Saturday evening at party for a five year old willing?" Marco rolled his eyes while Ace laughed. "In all seriousness though I adore children. The way they view the world is amazing and so innocent. Its why I want to protect..." Marco stopped listening captured in the way Ace was passionately talking.
His eyes lit up with happiness and a joy that Marco doesn't fully understand. Ace was also making wild gestures with a wide smile. It just screamed that he loved his line of work. Marco loved it and didn't notice that he was gently smiling at Ace. Ace flushed a bright shade of red that highlighted his boyish freckles. "Ace this might seem a bit blunt but would you care to go on a date with me, yoi?" Ace blinked rapidly, "A date with you?" Marco nodded suddenly really nervous until Ace smiled brightly. "Sure! When are you free?" After setting up a time they ended up getting caught up into a conversation.
Laughs were shared and smiles exchanged. Both Marco and Ace were enjoying their time together until the kitchen door flew open. Three bodies tumbled to the floor and groaning was heard. Sabo being the one at the bottom followed by Haruta and Izou. Marco looked at them in annoyance at being interrupted while Ace was just amused. The three looked up sheepishly.
"I was just getting some more drinks." Haruta said with a smile before untangling herself accidently stepping on Sabo's hand. Sabo groaned while Izo stood up and left quickly. "And your excuse?" Ace asked as he helped his blonde brother up. "The brats are getting fidgety waiting for you."
Ace laughed and nodded together with Sabo he left. Not before waving goodbye to Marco though. That left Marco with Haruta in the kitchen. He looked calmly at the girl which she took as her sign to start running.
Two months went by after Ace and Marco's first date. Marco soon after started spending more time at home and just relaxing more due to Ace. Today was no different as the two lovers were on the couch in Marco's home watching a scary movie. Ace would laugh at jump scares and joke of the horrible graphics. Marco would chuckle quietly and occasionally join in on the jokes. At one point in the might after the movie had ended Ace and Marco were sharing a kiss, slow and passionate when they were interrupted by a sniffling five year old.
The two separated and turned their attention to the small child. "What's wrong Thatch?" Marco asked worriedly as both he and Ace sat up. Thatch burst into tears, "T-T-There w-was a s-s-scary s-storm
t-t-t-that a-ate e-e-everyone and I-I was s-so a-a-alone!" Ace couldn't take it anymore and embraced the child. "Shhh its okay. It was just a bad dream."
Marco gently brought Ace into his lap, with Ace carrying Thatch, carried the two into his own room. Marco set the two down excepting Thatch as Ace lay with him in comfort. After fussing a bit Thatch lay in between the two older males sound asleep with Ace and Marco at his sides. When Ace fell asleep Marco sat up and stared at the two lovingly.
The blonde always dreamed of sleeping like this with a family he made on his own and while Thatch wasn't his child it would have to do. He cherished Ace with all his heart and someday did wish for a child he could call his own preferably with Ace by his side. Marco moved Ace's hair out of his face and reached over to kiss the top of his head. Then ruffled Thatch's hair and layed back down. With a small smile Marco drifted off to sleep.

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