04 | midnight mocha

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( The night after the murder )

What were two unfledged teenagers doing at a cosy cafe like Bean and Bagels during the middle of dawn and dusk?


Onlookers would have skindered them to be passionate lovers who have come out of their abodes in secrecy. Luckily, no human was insane to leisure outdoors at two in the morning, atleast in Caperwood.

The plum-haired damsel flushed in ecstasy, her lilac eyes glowing in euphoria. Pushing her wavy tresses past her perky transmuting ears, she slammed the maple surface of the café table, loud enough to grab the client's attention and gushed, "And that's when I turned to my left. You won't believe this! I saw posters of myself — headlined wanted!"

Avril turned his weary eyes tardily towards the melodramatic woman and rolled it carelessly.

I should have hired an introvert, he chided his recklessness.

"Safeer was damn happy! He was like 'it's a great feat for a first-timer', and oh, the Obscurians are even organizing a success party! Can you believe this is HAPPENING!" Romine squealed with her newborn popularity cradling in the background.

"Did you call me to brag about your achievement?" Avril snapped the gushing foams of vaunt brutally.

"Is there even a bit of gratitude in your boast?"

"Of course!" Romine attempted to ease his detonating nerves, "You played a major role in this ruse!"

As she noticed Avril's temple loosening it's puckered folds upon hearing her silvery compliment, the shape-shifter bent back on the cushion, crossing her legs insolently.

"But you couldn't have carried this master plan of yours without me, Mr. Avril Alteiner," she simpered, "So I think it should be you who should thank me!"

Avril admired her audacity despite the blazing wrath that mushroomed wild, strafing roots within him. Mockery was used to him, but he wouldn't tolerate anyone and everyone walking past him to ridicule.

Setting eyes on her cool composure, Avril roared, "Thank you!? Are you even aware of how much dollars I have spent for your payment?"

Realization suddenly made a flashy cameo as visions of missing money inquiry from his parents hopped in derision. How was he even going to account for a hefty sum of ten thousand dollars?

"Exactly!" the conwoman warbled, "which is why Pandora is no more safe! I can't walk on the streets flashing 5000 prens out of the blue and moreover, I don't want to be charged for murder and black money at the same time!"

What is this woman made of, Avril vented. Romine made so much sense yet brought him so much trouble.

Parting with a chunk of anger, Avril sighed, "What do you want from me now? Aren't there other places in Etheria other than Pandora? You could hide there!"

His suggestion seemed so stupid and vague that the woman sneered publicly.

Romine didn't know whether her client was actually barmy or acted like one. And if he was acting, he was too good.

"Do you really think the cops would be chilling out in Pandora while a killer is on loose?" she scowled at his insensibility, making him feel inferior, like everyone else.

"So what am I supposed to do? You can't stay here either!" Avril rowed.

"That's your problem, shape-shifter," Romine emphasized particularly, "or supposed-to-be."

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