Chapter 7: Aftermath and the Truth

Start from the beginning

Damn it, I reacted to late that lady has some serious stealth skill if me and Ophis couldn't he sense her, not mention am positive I burnt her to ashes, maybe she regenerate like those vampires back in my home world. Thought Issei as he clinches his jaw at this

"Subaru!" Satella cried out.

Subaru reached up toward Satella's face, and she caught his hand. Her face was divinely exquisite even when it was covered with tears, even when the rest of the world was growing dark and blurry around him.

"Satella?" Subaru asked in a wheezy voice.

"Yes, Subaru?" Satella asked, crying.

"What's your real name?" Subaru asked gently as the darkness took him.

Ophis takes over with healing him, but it's not looking at this. Issei grabs everyone attention 

"I believe I can save him, but before that, I got to explain where I come from and what I am, and don't worry, my wife will keep him stable said Issei

At this, everyone sign in relief and gave Issei his undivided attention. "What I say is probably going to sound unbelievable, but please keep an open mind."
Issei explains how he became a Devil, he explain the system with turning someone into a Devil, but since he the Last Devil with all Devil clans under the 72 Pillars powers he basically informed them he Satan a God in his own right. He explained how 666 destroyed his world and made him what he is today, and finally, he explained how he can save his friend by turning him into a Devil by giving him the Lucifer blood line.

Everyone was in  deep shock and fear
Rom and Felt mouth slackening
Reinhard had his eyes widening at this
and Satella looking down or away in sadness as she couldn't stop tearing up while Puck just looked on in disbelief

"If you still don't believe me, I guess I just prove it to Issei," said neutrally as he walked over to the bleeding out Subaru, who was barely hanging on thanks to Ophis
Issei spended his 12 demonic wings from his back while a crown made of blue flames rested on his head. At this, everyone gasps, leaving them speechless as disbelief of this reality of the situation sank in.

Suddenly, a magic circle in the shape of a pentagram appead below Subaru

"In the name of the Dragon of primordial fire and the extinct Lucifer house hold let their be a new Lucifer bloodline and severe me till the end of time and in return rejoice for your new life  and second chance if you will." Issei said as he slit his wrist and made sure a couple of droplets of blood fell into Subaru mouth. In that instance, his wound closed up and looked to be healthy again, Sighning tiredly issei muttered it's been one hell of a day today

Reverting back to normal, Issei brings his attention back to the group and ask "so what now?" He asks triedly

Surprisingly, it was Satella who spoke
"You seem like a good person, and I still have debt to settle with you and Subaru
‘So,’, Satella suddenly narrowed her amethyst eyes at Issei,

“Thank you for helping us. ―I be more than happy to take you and Subaru in after all you guys have done for me. As far as I’m concerned, you haven’t done anything wrong. Granting, your situation is very weird to wrap my head around. By the way, my real name Emilia, she said with a cute smile

chuckling at this, Issei replied Understood. I am thankful for your kind words, Emilia-san.

Coughing to get everyone attention, everyone looks over to Reinhard
"Granted I would have found your story disbelievable if not for my divine protections, and you seem like a good person but the feeling of your power feels dark and twisted and secondly the shining light emitting from the insignia is undeniable proof that Subaru is recognized as the final candidate for the position of 42nd ruler of the dragon kingdom of Lugunica." Sternly announced Reinhard.

Everyone was in shock at this, and Issei was about to say something but was interrupted by Reinhard "unfortunately I highly doubt I will be able to take you into custody, much less Subaru and your wife as well
so I propose you let me come with you with Lady Emilia."

"That's fine with me if it's okay with her." Responded, Issei

"That's fine with me. It shouldn't be a problem." She said cheerfully, glad that her new friends would be able to stay with her.

With that, their discussion had concluded for the most part. What was left was to assign some subordinates to Emilia and escort her home safely. In the meantime, Reinhard would also have to deal with the aftermath before going to Emilia domain to keep watch on her special new guests.

Taking a look at the collapsing building, Reinhard closed his eyes at the scale of the damage.
“What’s going to become of this place?”
Asked Emilia

“We’ll forbid entry into the area for a while and put up some wanted posters for the bowel hunter. Although there’s always plenty of shady rumors surrounding her, so there’s a good chance it would only be a waste of time.”said Reinhard

“And that girl and the old man?”she asked

“… I’m unsure of the circumstances, but considering my duty as a knight, I do not believe I can overlook their actions. However,”

He paused and took a breath, and then shrugged slightly.
“It’s my day off, and furthermore, if the victim does not file a complaint, it would be difficult to pursue the matter due to a lack of evidence. Haha. Seriously, I don’t know the situation, so.”

“Fufu, you’re a bad knight.”

“Sadly, this is the true nature of the man known by such titles as the knight among knights.”

A strong wind blew, causing Reinhard’s red bangs to dance.

He looked up at the sky through that gap. It was already dusk, and the moon floated in the capital’s sky.

The full moon shone a faint bluish white. Its beauty was filled with a certain bewitching charm.

“Today might be my final opportunity to calmly gaze upon the moon―”

Reinhard’s whisper did not reach anyone, but the moon was looking down at him.

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