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Crowley- Crowley entered Aziraphale's bookshop, growing impatient as he searched for him. He tapped his foot as he scanned the library for Aziraphale.

Aziraphale- Oh hello Crowley.

Crowley- "Don't hello me, I've been waiting here for quite some time" *he said with an impatient, frustrated frown*

Aziraphale- You have?

Crowley- *he crossed his arms, his mood turning sour* "Have you been out again?" *he asked*

Aziraphale- No?

Crowley- "Are you sure?" *he said crossing his arms tighter, leaning up against his car*

Aziraphale- Yes I'm sure.

Crowley- *He rolled his eyes before sighing.*
"You aren't lying to me are you?" *he asked*

Aziraphale- No Crowley I'm not lying to you.

Crowley- "So what have you been doing since I last saw you then?" *he asked*

Aziraphale- Here, reading.

Crowley- *he nodded his head* "and nothing else?"

Aziraphale- No.

Crowley- "Sure" *he sighed*
"Well can you just stop reading and come with me for now?"

Aziraphale- Okay why?

Crowley- "I don't have to tell you that" *He said with a sarcastic roll of his eyes*

Aziraphale- *i scoff*

Crowley- "Don't scoff at me, just come along with me and don't ask questions. Do you understand?"

Aziraphale- Yes, Crowley.

Crowley- "That's a good angel" *he said, getting out of the car*

Aziraphale- *smiles*

Crowley- *he rolled his eyes.*
"Can you go a bit faster, you walk so slow"

Aziraphale- *I walk faster*

Crowley- *His arms became crossed again as he looked down at him with a blank face.*
"Good boy" *he said, as he continued on his way.*

Aziraphale- *smiles*

Crowley- *Crowley kept walking, not saying anything as he was looking ahead. he appeared to be somewhat annoyed*

Aziraphale- Is something wrong Crowley?

Crowley- "Nothings wrong" *he said curtly*

Aziraphale- Are you sure?

Crowley- "Positive" *he said with a slight bit of annoyance*

Aziraphale- Okay

Crowley- *He groaned and shook his head, continuing to walk, not saying another word*

Aziraphale- *we finally get to were we were going*

Crowley- *He looked up at the building then looked down at Aziraphale*
"We're here" *he said*

Aziraphale- What is this?

Crowley- "Just... come inside"

Aziraphale- Okay?

Crowley- *He nodded his head and walked inside.*

Aziraphale- *we walk inside*

Crowley- "So. Can I ask you something?"

Aziraphale- Sure.

Crowley- *He leaned up against the wall*
"I want you to promise me something"

Aziraphale- Okay? What?

Crowleys Angel (A Aziracrow fic)Where stories live. Discover now