9 - Presidential Election

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"That's exactly why we should go with a vote! The person with the most votes will automatically prove that he or she has the majority's trust!" Iida continued with his never ending enthusiasm.

In the end, a vote was chosen to be the way to choose class 1A's president.

'Hmm, president huh? Do I even want to lead?' I pondered as I stared at a blank piece of paper that the name of the vote should be written in.

"Psst. Oi Akio." Shinso hissed suddenly.

"What?" I turned to look at him.

"Who are you voting for class president?"

"I dunno, do you want it? I can give you my vote if you want."

"Hah? I was actually going to vote for you." Shinso trailed. "Don't you want to be class president?"

"I'm still not too sure. How about you though? Why don't you wanna be president?"

"Being in the center of attention isn't for me." Shinso shrugged before pointing at me. "You should be class pres though, you're definitely qualified for it."

I paused in thought at Shinso's words. Maybe I should....

'Screw it, no room for hesitation. Best hero I can be.' I retrailed my goal word for word.

I wrote my name on the piece of paper. No words needed to be said, as Shinso looked at my confident smile. He sent me a smirk while he wrote my name on his paper. We submitted our answers and waited for the scores to be tallied up.

It didn't take long for me to find myself standing in the front of the class. Apparently I had managed to score 4 votes somehow. Two of those votes came from myself and Shinso, that was obvious. The question was where the other two came from.

Standing beside me were two people, the ever-fidgeting and nervous Izuku Midoriya and the confident and regal-looking Momo Yaoyorozu who both managed to get two votes each.


Midoriya himself was shaking uncontrollably for being everyone's center of attention.

"This is quite the sticky situation." Shoji commented. "How are we going to resolve this?"

Midoriya raised a shaky hand, "I-I withdraw." Midoriya said meekly. Compared to the capable Kazuya and the smart Yaoyorozu, he felt inadequate to be the class president. Heck, he didn't even want to be pres in the first place!

"Woah are you sure, man?"

"Yeah, I didn't even really want to be president."

"That settles it then. The class president will be Kazuya, while the vice president is Yaoyorozu." announced Aizawa as he woke up from his nap.

Soon, the homeroom finished and we proceeded with our classes. When lunch came in, I found myself sitting with Shinso, Sero, and Tokoyami.

"So Akio, what's gonna be your first mandate as class president?" Shinso asked as we ate lunch in the cafeteria.

"Definitely putting a 'No screaming during classes' rule as soon as I can." I said with a grin. "Hopefully that'll get Bakugo to shut up."

"Yeah, fat chance." Shinso snorted. "I wonder what the hell that guy's problem is."

"Who knows, perhaps there's more to him than our initial impressions. We just haven't seen it yet." claimed Tokoyami.

"Well he's definitely not giving people chances to fix that impression of him, that's for sure." Sero chuckled.

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