Chapter 25 & 26 (Reception)

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He ordered everyone to leave the mansion for the night. The night of our reception.
He watches from the window with clenched fists as the last person drives away.

Bright flashes of light come through the curtains, there's a storm rolling in. I can hear thunder in the distance. Every time it cracks through the clouds, sharp pain shoots through my ruptured eardrum, bringing me back to the desert where he threw me to the ground, held a gun to my face and pulled the trigger. He intentionally missed.

"God help me!" Hira whispers to herself as Orhun approaches her.
"You are all alone in this world, no one will save you. Go upstairs, take off your makeup and change your clothes."
She meets his eyes, fear ripping through her body, tears running down her face. A man who hates her stands before her with no mercy.
"Now!" He orders her.
Not knowing what else to do she makes her way upstairs.
With each step her legs get heavier and fear has boiled over every part of her body.
Slowly opening the door her focus goes to the bed. Tears flowing down her face her mind races through every scenario that could happen tonight.
Taking a deep breath, she makes her way to the closet, removing her make up and changing her clothes.

Is he going to touch me? I cant let him take my honor. I'm stronger than this. I need to escape.
Listening through the bedroom door she doesn't hear anything. Quietly stepping out she looks around.
"He's not up here yet." Hira whispers.
Quickly heading for the stairs - "where are you going?" Orhun yells.
Frozen in her tracks he approaches her from behind and asks again, "where do you think you are going?"
"Uh... I need water."
"You can have water when I'm done with you. Go back in the room."

Consumed by fear she walks slowly back to the bedroom. Her body stiff and tense.
What do I do? I need to stand up for myself.
Turning around and facing him, "I don't want it." She says breathing heavily.
Grabbing her face he tells her, "I am the last person in this world who cares about what you don't want."
Letting go of her face he continues walking forward, forcing her into the bedroom.
Door slamming shut, ringing runs through her ear. Her sweaty palms feel the wall that he's backed her into.
"You can't have it." She cries
"I'm going to take the most valuable thing away from you. The only thing you've ever owned." Orhun says with rage.
He grabs her arm aggressively, yanking her towards the bed - "No! Let go of me!"
"You can't escape your punishment."

Throwing her on the bed she immediately comes back to her feet to be pushed back down.
Leaning over her he says, "you can't escape from me. You have no peace. Everyday, every night you will live a nightmare."
He takes off his jacket, untucks his shirt and starts unbuttoning it.
No! I won't let him!
Looking around the room in a panic, unable to control her breathing at the thought of him raping her she lunges forward pushing him back and grabs Nihan's framed photo sitting on the bedside table striking him in the forearm. The corner of the frame cuts him.
"Damn it! What the fuck are you doing?" He shouts
Pushing Orhun into the dresser she runs through the bedroom door, down the flight of stairs, tripping, unable to breathe she makes it through the front door.
"Get back here!"
Looking down at his bleeding arm he charges after her.
How far does she actually think she can get.
It's pouring rain, lightning lights up the sky, followed by crashing thunder. Barefoot, she slips on the front porch falling down the steps.
Looking back - he's right behind me.
Her heart pounding, she gets up, running for the gate.
It's locked? Why is it locked?
Shaking the bars of the gate she screams and cries out, "HELP! SOMEONE HELP -
Orhun grabs her by the waist putting his hand over her mouth, "shut up!" He tells her, dragging her back to the mansion.
Soaking wet she pushes his hands away, squirming to escape the grip he has on her with no success.
"I didn't think you would try to run away but just in case you did I had security lock the gate." He tells her with an enraged voice.
Throwing her to the ground of the mansion he slams the front door shut.
"Get up!"
On her knees begging, "Don't do it. Don't take my honor. Torture me any other way but don't take my honor."
"Get up!"
"Please don't!"
I can't breathe. I'm so tired. When will this end.
Getting down on his knees he grabs her by the throat, pinning her to the floor. Her hands pushing his arms and face away. She screams and cries, begging him to stop.
The pressure around her throat gives her re-traumatization.
"Cezzar stop! Let go of me. Don't touch me! Someone help me!" Hira cries out.
Letting go of her, he stands up with a shocked look on his face. He watches her crawl away from him.
What am I doing? I've gone too far.
Touching her shoulders with his hands in an attempt to stop her she falls on her back kicking him away.
"Don't touch me!" She demands with the last breath her lungs can hold.
Hira distraught and whimpering, begging for mercy as her body starts shutting down.
"Don't. I'm begging you." She whispers before passing out.

I made her believe I was going to rape her. My actions were excessively traumatizing that she relived Cezzar and his men trying to rape her. Why did I let myself get this far?

Standing over her, he picks her up and carries her up the stairs. Laying her in his bed he covers her up.

He changes out of his wet clothes and sits on the sofa. Leaning back with his arms crossed he takes a deep breath.
She murdered my sister and she will pay for her crime. But tonight, I went too far. I sexually harassed her. Made her believe she would be raped. Taunting her with her honor to the point it exhausted every part of her. I feel disgusting for making her feel this way.

Tossing and turning Hira wakes up in a panic. The sun is peaking through the curtains, the window is open, it smells like rain.
Sitting up quickly, she touches her chest, gripping her dress realizing she's still in the same clothes.
Did he touch me? How did I get here? Why am I in his bed?
Opening the closet door, he steps out.
Their eyes meet, Hira's filled with tears, shock in his eyes as he feels guilty for what he did. He quickly masks his feelings with anger and approaches the bedside, "Don't worry, I'll never touch you. All I see when I look at you is a murderer. No man will ever want to touch you."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 08 ⏰

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