On-Screen Romance (Ayaether)

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Actor AU

Ayaka Pov:

"Cut!" yells the director stopping the scene and signaling for us me and Aether to stop and huddle up for notes. Recently I was cast in the new TV show Genshin Impact as Kamisato Ayaka a young clan heiress who is helping fight a war in her home country Inazuma, I was cast as her because of my famed light blue hair and my acting skills in other movies. I've been on set for about a year and it's been really fun getting to know everyone especially the main protagonist Aether and Antagonist Lumine. I'd never met either of them before doing Genshin Impact but they are quite well-known and in a number of movies I've watched not to mention very nice, "Ayaka, that was perfect!" the director claps his hands together gleefully, "The way you danced in that scene was perfect, I can tell you've been practicing it was great!!!" I blush embarrassed and simply nod as thanks and they seem to understand because then they yell "Break to run the Abyss Princess and Dainsleif scene then we'll circle back to Ayaka and Aethers festival scene," as I make my way off into the dressing room Aether follows beaming, "Ayaka!" he catches up with me walking next to me, "the way you danced was incredible what I'd give to dance like that" I smile and we continue talking as we reach the dressing room "Anyways I wanted to discuss with you the festival scene while we get ready" he opens the door to the dressing room and sits at the first open chair as he begins to do his hair while I take the seat next to him and begin to apply my makeup "when we walk through the director thinks maybe we should have something on us match to show the bond between us" He looks at me and observes my face for a second before going back to his hair "well our characters do seem to spend time together and devolp a closeness so that would make sense" I nod putting on my lipstick and begin my eyeshadow "maybe our masks" I say looking at him, he seems to light up and gazes back at me "thats a great idea Ayaka, I'll talk to the director but thats an awesome idea!" I smile, he's been so nice to me ever since I first walked onto set helping me navigate where to go and memorize my schedule as if he knows what I'm thinking he says "You're really resourceful Ayaka, you're such a nice person to everyone" the next thing I know I'm starting deep into his beautiful golden eyes, I've never noticed but he's actually quite good looking with his blonde hair, striking eyes, and breath-taking smile "you're beautiful!" I blurt immediately realizing what I said and going red he also starts to go red and smirks "You're beautiful two Ayaka" We sit there in silence for a moment until another one of the lead cast Paimon bursts in holding a plate of brownies and shoving most of them into her mouth, "the director told me to tell you we're doing the festival scene now don't worry bout your costume Ayaka they're tailoring it, I nod smiling at Paimon and getting up, Aether also gets up and walks with me to the scene as we engage in small talk about our siblings and daily lives he's very pleasurable to talk to. As we arrive I look at the scene, we've only filmed this scene twice but it gets more and more beautiful each time, "You're both here" the director smiles "We're going to run this scene with the people this time, we'll try to get through as much as we can don't worry about messing up just have fun with it" as Aether and I take our places a group of people in kimono's file in and stand next to the stalls "and action." The scene goes normally until near the end when I accidentally drop my fake Dango onto the floor making a bang sound startling everyone including Yoymiya and Lumine who pop their heads out of their dressing room to check if everyone's alright. The director signals to keep going as I blush embarrassed and do not finish my line, Aether notices this and suddenly starts talking about Lumine, off script but she's in the movie so he can get away with that sort of thing, he continues walking linking our arms and talking, it's obvious he cares a lot about Lumine and admires her, as the music starts to fade I thank him for coming with me and in return, he hugs me as that's not part of the script I think about how to react and decide on hugging him back and whispering something into his ear making him blush and smile before walking off, we both look around to see the director in awe and the camera team staring at us "that was... brilliant!!!" the director comes over to us clutching our scripts in one hand "you had me on the edge of my seat your chemistry is undeniable are you sure you're not dating in real life" at this point Aether is completely frozen and red as a tomato so I reply "we're just friends, we only met this year" the director seems dubious but smiles and gives us each of our scripts "please write down exactly what you did in this scene I expect to run it in 10 exactly like this" the director smiles and walks off yelling "while you to are at it maybe go on a date! It'll help you bond as 'fellow actors'" Aether smiles and picks his script up "Would you like to edit this over a cup of coffee together?" he seems quite nervous to ask me because the next thing I know he goes red in the face and drops his script "I would love that." I smile picking up his script and handing it to him "Maybe in 2 hours? I have to run a scene with Thoma and you have to run the sibling reunited scene" "Sounds good" he blushes and runs over to his sister Lumine as if she knows something we don't she smirks and pats Aether on the back, I wonder is this a date...?

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