▪︎ Chapter 13 ▪︎

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Thea got pulled back into consciousness by a hard pull on her wrist.

With a pained groan, Thea felt her body get tugged so harshly it made her fall on her side. The harsh concrete under her body was cold and moist, the momentum causing it to take pieces of her skin with it. Her dark hair fell in her face, hiding the grimace that took over her features, the ends of her dark pieces grazing the floor.

The woman often forgot how her hair grew over the years. She just didn't really care to do anything about it, but in cases like this, it was really annoying. It's not like she got chained up in a moist basement daily, but she would've killed for a hair tie right now.

With an annoyed huff of breath passing her lips, Thea threw her hair back above her shoulder, blinking against the harsh light that attacked her sensitive eyes. The woman raised a hand to her forehead, a pulsing headache making her life more miserable than it already was. A heavy weight pulled against her slender wrists, causing her to frown at the thick handcuffs wrapped around them.

Her last memory was crashing into a building and so much fire she thought she landed straight in hell. The Keller girl had no idea how the fuck she ended up in chains.

"What the fuck?" the words rolled off her tongue as her eyes followed the thick chains, squinting against the light as she followed it to its source.

And when her eyes met a striking blue one, all the air was knocked from her lungs. Her entire body froze, not being able to move a single muscle. All she could do was stare straight into his eyes, her lips apart and all the words in the world stuck in her throat.

The only thing being able to snap her out of it was when he stumbled back, his face abnormally pale even under the poor lighting, his chest heaving.

He looked like he'd just seen a ghost.

"Oye! Look who's awake!" a voice from the left called out, his voice shattering the silence around them so harshly, it made her flinch. Thea forcefully tore her gaze away from the blue pair to look at the source of the noise. "The senorita wasn't dead after all!"

Thea's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as her eyes scanned the other man in front of her. The man was wearing a white shirt with a brown vest over it, matching brown pants completing the whole look. His slightly longer dark, almost black hair looked a little disheveled but just the right amount. The little smirk tugging at his lips only made him appear more attractive. His Spanish accent was thick, which would probably make him more appealing.

But the second her green eyes met his dark ones, Thea couldn't keep her face from scowling at him. His smile disappeared fairly quickly.

The man murmured a few words in Spanish under his breath as he got up from the floor, the chain linking the three of them together clinking against the hard floor.

"Mierda... You're just as pleasant as the gringo," he narrowed his eyes at her before looking back at the blond man. "Hanging with you? Not healthy-"

Whatever he was going to say next got cut off by the wooden door slamming open behind him. All three of their heads snapped towards the noise, Thea drawing in a sharp breath through her teeth as her eyes zeroed in on the figure stumbling inside. Her whole body tensed up, a chill running down her spine at the sight of the stranger.

Then she noticed the heavy axe weighing down his right hand.

"Watch out!" the sharp words flew from her lips in a desperate cry, trying to warn the dark man, but it was already too late. She was late again.

But thankfully, Leon Kennedy was there to save the day, like always.

He acted quickly, wrapping a hand around the thick chains and yanking it towards him, pulling the other man out of harm's way. The way the brunette man fell to the floor would've made Thea laugh in other circumstances, but the intruder swinging that axe around so violently made all humor leave her body.

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