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San Diego was beautiful

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San Diego was beautiful. I had only ever visited on vacation as a child but now, standing outside of my new job and looking at the ocean, I loved it even more.

And the rink! It's gorgeous! Walking in, the awe factor only grows! I'm distracted by the architecture when someone calls my name.

"Dr Thomas!" I turn and see the man walk towards me.

He has dirty blonde hair with a slight curl and brown eyes, which is pretty much all I can focus on at the moment.

"Hi." I say as I shake his hand. "And please, Layne is fine."

"Layne, I'm Bradley, Alt captain and Right Wing for the Daggers. They asked me to show you to your office." Bradley smiles, "Plus I figure I could give you a tour along the way."

"A tour would be lovely." I smile and he leads me down a hallway.

"So down here is where you have all the main offices. Operations, general, and PR managers. Farther down are the conference rooms, the press conference room is all the way at the end." Bradley explains as we walk through the lobby of the practice arena. Bradley leads me towards a hallway on the other side of the lobby as he talks. "So what brought you all the way out here from...?"

"Texas, and I just needed a change of scenery." I responded.

"Well there is plenty of that here." Bradley smiles as he opens the door for me. "This is where the team can usually be found. Locker rooms to the right, gym to the left with views of the practice rink. And of course your office is just past and connected to the gym." Bradley turns to face me once we arrive at the door. "Sports tables and equipment are in here and your office is through the door on the back wall."

"Thank you so much, Bradley, really."

"No problem. Oh," Bradley reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper and quickly writes something down. "If you need anything just gimme a call or text me, okay? Anything at all."

"I will." I smile. "Thanks again, Bradley."

"Of course, Layne." He replies before walking back into the lobby.

I sigh softly as I enter my office. I glance around, taking a quick inventory of my desk and filing cabinets. The door behind me opens and I turn, expecting to see the assistant who works here, but instead l see an unfamiliar woman. She looks at me for a few seconds before speaking.

"You're the new PT?"

"Yep. That's me." I smile.

"You won't let the boys walk all over you right?" I shake my head and she immediately sighs. "Good! I'm Nat, my husband is Javy. You should have a file on his shoulder injury from last season." My eyes scan my desk to find it third from the top of a stack right in the middle. "Yes that one. He's gonna say he's fine and doesn't need tape or a physical. He's insane, and please tape him." Nat nods before making her way back out.

I laugh as I open her husbands folder.

The folder contains a lot of information about what happened and how the healing process has been. The previous PT was pretty thorough on top of the physician's notes.

I'm nearly through the file when I hear voices coming from the PT room and I immediately recognize one that I thought I'd never hear again.

"She talked to the new PT already?"

"I don't even know how she got here so fast!" The other voice exclaims. "She dropped the kids off not even 10 minutes ago, and it's a 30 minute drive from the school!"

"You must be Mr. Machado." I laugh, walking into the room and over to one of the storages. The two men snap their heads up and stare at me like I've grown another head.

"I... uh..." Machado stammers before glancing over his shoulder at the his friend. "Yea, I'm sure you've already spoken to my wife."

"I did and I assured her that you couldn't convince me to not follow doctors orders."

"Dammit." Javy mutters as he hops up onto the table.

"You're screwed, dude." His friend laughs as he sits on another table.

"And you are?" I ask as I start wrapping Javy's shoulder, not even looking up from Javy.

"Jake Seresin. I'm captain on the team."

"Jake." I give him a soft smile, lifting up to meet his eyes. They're the same as the ones I looked into last year in Denver.

"Could we chat for a sec?" Jake asks, motioning to my office.

"I"m kinda busy." I laugh, applying some tape to hold the wrap in place.

"Please." Jake almost pleads with me.

I'm about to protest Javy interrupts. "Well this feels great! I think I'm gonna go catch up with the other guys. See ya, Doc." He gives Jake a wink before heading to the exit.

"Alright." I say, returning the supplies to their home before walking to my office.

"So are we not gonna talk about it?" Jake questions as he follows me.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Seresin." I reply, gathering a clipboard and my jacket.

"Seriously?" He seems almost hurt by my statement.

I'm not going to talk about Denver with Roc- Jake. We work together. It's unprofessional and I for one prefer not to make that mistake again.

"I don't. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to the ice," I say as I walk past him, "which I assume, you should too."

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