Chapter 1 : Harry (on earth)

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After everything, after the battle, after Dumbledore's death, after his death, after he came back to life, after Voldemort's death.

After all of this, after everything he lost,
(Fred, Remus, Tonks, Sirius, Cedric) after he had literally died for them.

The Ministry turned on him. He should have expected it really, shouldn't have been so naive. Hermione would have scolded him... If she hadn't died in the final battle.

He had lost everything fighting Voldemort. His parents, his godfather, his girlfriend (she blamed him for Fred's death) and worst of all, his best friends. Hermione died protecting him, after she died Ron pulled away from him, saying he just needed space.

How, then, could the Ministry accuse him?

"Harry Potter the next Dark Lord!"

"Necromancer comes back to life; The Boy Who Lived not so Gold?"

"Harry Potter gone Dark? Golden Boy shares notoriously evil abilities with He-who-must-not-be-named"

In a matter of days, public opinion had changed. At first he had been hailed a saviour. Now he was cursed as an enemy.

'and why do you protest?' the voice in his head whispered. 'when so many have died under your command?'

Unwittingly, images flashed to his mind. Sirius, laughing as he fell through the veil. Colin, dead because of him.
Fred, lying dead in the Great Hall.
Burying Dobby outside Shell Cottage.
Cedric, dead on the ground at the graveyard.

With effort he forced the pictures away but more came to fill the gap.
Hedwig, killed because he couldn't fight.
Mad-eye, dead because he couldn't protect himself.
Tonks and Remus, died fighting for him.
Dumbledore, weakened because of a false Horcrux.
Hermione, slaughtered because he was a coward, hiding in hogwarts instead of facing Voldemort.
Even his parents, killed because of him, his prophesy.

His thoughts were (thankfully) interrupted by a harsh knock on the door. He was living in the Leaky Cauldron as he couldn't stand to face Grimmauld.
Arising from his slumped position, he went  and opened it.

Two Aurors he didn't recognise stood there.

"Harry Potter?"


"We're here to arrest you for treason, being a Dark wizard and siding with He-who-must-not-be-named. Will you come quietly?"

"What?" he was very confused. Him? Siding with Voldemort?
"There must be some mistake"

"No mistake, Mr Potter, if you would come with us?"

Still confused, but confident this would be a misunderstanding, he went with them.

As it turned out, this was a very bad idea...

Hope you enjoyed the opening chapter!

Next update we will have the Trial,  be warned, I am rubbish at court scenes.



I don't belong among the angels, and baby that's just fine with me  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora