6 - Cecee (AnalyticDecoder)

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Name: Cecee / BURGER QUEEN

Position: Historian

Why I Want to Help the MDC: Basically, I was here before MDC was even MDC. It was called BCC (Book Cover Club) and it was such an amazing era. I would like the new generation of designers to experience what I experienced, to help restore the zeal of designing and being a part of community that has the same zeal that inspires all of us.

My Favorite Part of the MDC: Probably the livestreams (YAY FOR JOIN.ME) and the ease of making friendships with fellow designers.

How I Discovered Wattpad: I love reading but could not afford to buy published books because let's face it, they're costly. I asked my brother for advice and he said to check out Wattpad and a few other apps that were free. At first, I found it so cliche, I deleted it. But after a couple of mentions from my classmates, I decided to give it another shot and I finally found the joy of Wattpad.

How I discovered the MDC: It's a funny story (NOT REALLY), but I was stalking this one girl's account on Wattpad and she had this list of goals specifying how many covers for books she had made and that's when I learned that cover-makers were a thing. But I didn't find MDC yet. I had soon learned about clubs, and I think I was a regular at the Cafe. I remember accidentally clicking The Pub (cringes) and finally, I reached MDC or BCC back then through some divine process that I cannot remember.

Writing or Designing?: Designing c:


Favorite Color: Rainbow? Okay fine, Blue and Green


Favorite Song: AGAIN I CAN'T JUST CHOOSE. c:

Favorite Joke: You can say the corniest joke and I'll probably laugh. :)

Favorite Season: I'm a summer baby but I dress for winter.

Favorite Sport: Ooops, does tripping count as one? xD Not so sporty here.

Favorite Animal: It depends tbh.

Favorite Number: 7

Favorite Holiday: CHRISTMAS andddd BIRTHDAYS

Favorite Show: ugh again I can't just choose one. I have way too many likes. c:

Favorite Movie: Okay, I have a few but here's one of them, Sabrina, not the teenage witch but Sabrina Fairchild. It's my favorite go-to movie. :)

Favorite Book/Book Series: For published books, definitely Narnia and A Series of Unfortunate Events, and the Bible. The rest are too many to list.

Favorite Food: I <3 FOOD so no favs. But I'm really picky about fish and I rarely eat fruits. I try to intake more though.

Favorite Quote: I'm a quote collector, so this is not my only favorites. "Nothing great ever came easy."

"Proverbs 16:33 We may throw the dice,but the Lord determines how they fall."

"God didn't give you another day because you needed it. He gave you another day because someone out there needed you."

What I Want to be When I Grow Up: Designing is great and all, but it's not a current career path for me. I've always loved anything related to Law and Crime-Solving, but I am currently pursuing a pre-med course so we'll see where that leads. But I do know that I want to spread God's Word to the world. :)

Where I Want to Go in My Lifetime: Like Magic, I want to visit the World. This world is strange and simple and small and vast all at the same time. Listing it all in 2000 characters would not suffice.

3 Interesting Facts About Me:

1. I'm Christian as most of the people here know. :)

2. I have acne, but it's slowly healing thankfully.

3. I am a confusing and conflicted soul. I listen to jazz and edm, I love the stars and the night but I can't sleep without the lights on

Message to Whoever's Reading This: If you're looking for a sign to not harm/kill yourself today, then this is it. Remember God loves you. You are not alone, an accident or unloved. God bless you! :)

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