
235 11 7

3rd person pov

The nurse's voice echoed down the silent corridor of the army hospital, "You can go in now!" Taehyung, with a sense of urgency, quickly made his way into the cabin where Jungkook was lying in a coma. Once inside, he sighed deeply and took a moment to compose himself.

"Jungkook, my love, today is my birthday," Taehyung said softly as he placed a fresh tiger lily flower in the vase, replacing the dead ones. He turned to look at Jungkook, who was lying peacefully on the bed, seemingly unaware of his surroundings.

"C'mon, wake up! It's been two years, Kookie! Don't you miss your hyung?" Taehyung pleaded, sitting by Jungkook's side. He stroked Jungkook's hair gently, hoping to wake him up from his long slumber.

"Jungkookie, my love, wake up!" Taehyung kissed Jungkook's finger and the back of his hand. Tears gathered in Taehyung's eyes as he signed, and he let them fall. He missed his best friend and lover dearly, and it hurt him to see Jungkook in such a helpless state.

Taehyung sat by Jungkook's side, holding his hand and sobbing softly as he spoke to him. "Jungkookie, my love, I miss you so much," he whispered. "I wish you were awake and could hear me. I want to propose to you and spend the rest of my life with you. But I don't even know if you'll remember me when you wake up." Taehyung's voice broke as he spoke, and he buried his face in Jungkook's pillow, crying silently.

As he looked out of the window, Taehyung's mind went back to the day when Jungkook had fallen into a coma. It had been two long years since then. Jungkook had been hurt while protecting his friends from the North Korean army. He had managed to save his Jimin Hyung and Jin Hyung, and anyone else he had seen in danger. But he couldn't protect himself from the attack and had lost a lot of blood. Jungkook lay on the ground, his face contorted in pain, blood seeping from the three gunshots on his body, he still managed to maintain a small smile on his face. Despite the agony he must have been experiencing, there was a glimmer of resilience and strength evident in his expression, a testament to his fighting spirit and unbreakable will. The sight was both heart-wrenching and inspiring, a reminder of the indomitable human spirit even in the face of adversity. Now, he lay motionless in the hospital bed, his body a mere shell of what it once was.

jungkook's hand moved a bit but Taehyung didn't realize it as he kept crying silently.

"h-hyung" Jungkook's hoarse voice broke into the silent room making Taehyung's head snap towards him.

"Oh, baby! drink some water!" taehyung hurriedly took a glass poured some water and made Jungkook drink water.

The doctor came by the alarm around them as he checked Jungkook up in silence. Many doctors came in to check on Jungkook as he nearly lost his life in the military field. The doctor asked a few questions slowly making sure Jungkook didn't get anxious.

"Mr. Jeon is alright and it's seems like he hasn't lost his memories but you need to careful with him! And congratulations man your prayers finally got answered! I hope to see you as a couple next time!" The doctor said in a soft voice to Taehyung who nodded his head in happiness.

Taehyung's eyes were all red and full of tears but his lips curved into a boxy grin.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung walked towards the boy who was lost in thoughts.

"Taehyungie hyungie hyung!" Jungkook moved his head towards Taehyung who was walking slowly towards his.

"Jungkook's can I hug you?" Taehyung asked as softly as possible.

"Yes?" Jungkook voiced it out as a question.

Taehyung's hands trembled as he gingerly lifted Jungkook's limp body into his arms. He held him close, his touch gentle as a feather, careful not to apply even the slightest bit of pressure. Taehyung's heart was pounding as he cradled his beloved, overwhelmed with emotion as he felt Jungkook's warmth against his chest.

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