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3rd person pov

Hi hyungie!!!!

It's me jungkookie writing letters to you! Hehehe! I hope you are fine and doing well! I hope you are eating well too! I'm so proud of you hyungie! Trust me! You're the best taehyungie hyung!

It's the day I saw you enlist! Yup, tomorrow I'll enlist. I miss you hyungie so much already! I don't know when I'll post this letter in the postbox but I just want to tell you the things you need to know.

You're an outstanding person taehyungie! I admire you a lot. I can't explain in words how much adoration I have for you.

Like you're super best. And I love it. I'm so thankful you exist. For you, my inner devil voice stopped which used to affect me in a bad way. I don't know what life will hold for me. I don't even know how I'll manage in the military. I'm super proud that you chose special forces in the military like it's so dangerous and you love playing with danger. I really wanted to apply to the special force of military but I couldn't for my tattoos.

Life can be a tough journey, and I've had my fair share of struggles. But amidst all the darkness and chaos, you have been my guiding light, my shining star, and the sunshine that brightens up my day. You have this incredible ability to make me smile, even when I'm feeling down and out. Your mere presence in my life is enough to fill it with warmth and happiness.

Your impact on my life is immeasurable. You have this unique ability to silence the inner voice that's constantly nagging me, and for that, I am eternally grateful. You have been my rock, my support system, and my confidante. You have seen me at my worst, and yet, you continue to love and support me unconditionally.

You were the sunshine that helped me through the darkest of times, and you continue to be the sunshine that illuminated my life. I know that whatever happens, you will always be there, shining brightly and spreading warmth and positivity wherever you go.

The words you said to me during our interactions unknowingly played a pivotal role in the healing process of one part of me that was broken. Before our paths crossed, I was trapped in a dark world of pain and torment. You were the one who unknowingly sparked a light of hope within me, and with every conversation we had, that light grew brighter. Your kindness, understanding, and support helped me to see the beauty in myself that I had long forgotten. You helped me to begin the journey towards healing, and I'm forever grateful for that. Today, I stand before you as a stronger and more resilient person, and I owe a part of that to you.

The intensity and complexity of my feelings for you make it challenging to adequately convey just how deeply I love you. I find myself struggling to articulate the profound and ever-evolving nature of this emotion. It's more than just a mere bond of friendship or even brotherhood. My love for you has transcended these boundaries and has taken on a more profound and undeniable form. It's a feeling that I can't ignore or deny, and it has become an essential part of my existence.

What sets you apart, Taehyungie hyungie, your ability to accept me, flaws and all. You have always been my pillar of strength, my confidante, and the one who has seen beyond the facade. Your love has given me the courage to embrace my imperfections and see them not as flaws, but as unique qualities that make me who I am.

There was a moment that will always remain significant in our relationship. I remember it vividly - you lovingly embraced my scar, your gentle fingers tracing its outline with tenderness and understanding. At that moment, I felt a surge of emotions - gratitude, relief, and a newfound sense of empowerment. You see, that scar had been a constant reminder of a painful past, and I had always felt self-conscious about it. But your unwavering acceptance and love for my scar transformed it from a source of shame to a symbol of strength. I realized that my scar was a part of who I am and that it had played a role in shaping me into the person I am today. Your gesture of love and acceptance gave me the confidence to embrace my scar with pride, and I cherish it deeply.

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