Ohne Titel Teil 1

Start from the beginning

You knew that you shouldn't like it so much.

That roommates usually didn't do things like that, cultural differences aside.

So why did you do it on purpose?

Watching scary movies while you tried to fall asleep, just so that he'd visit you at night. That out of breath feeling when you woke up in a panic mixing with something else, something more carnal, as soon as your realized he was there. Right where you wanted him to be.

You really thought you were so subtle, it was adorable to him. He sweet little pet, too shy to voice their needs. Not that he didn't enjoy it, because words couldn't express how delicious fear smelled on you.

The cameras also served another purpose. König had to make sure that you'd come to him sooner or later, begging for something that only he could give you. But if you kept on touching what was only his to touch, you'd drag it out even longer.

He was a stoic man, but even his patience was wearing thin. Especially after having to spend so many nights pressed against you.

He doubted that any other man, a weaker man, would have endured it like he did. It was a good thing that you were his. The sole thought of any other man touching what belonged to him was enough to make his blood boil.

But the situation didn't leave you unscathed. The burning want you felt every time you woke up next to him in your bed was getting almost unbearable. But fate in the form of König wasn't going to let you fulfill your needs.

That was his job, and his job only.

There were subtle knocks on your door as soon as you got comfortable in your bed. The warm water that suddenly stopped working if you took a bit too long in the shower. The fucking phone that rang as soon as he left the house and your hand began to slide down your body.

It was torture and after a few weeks, you couldn't hide the effect it had on you anymore. You began to snap at König. Snarling at him when he took your laundry out of the washing machine, slamming your door shut when you saw that he bought the wrong kind of bread. Irrational and horribly annoying, so unlike your usual self.

He didn't complain. But he stopped coming to your room at night. Somehow, that made it better and worse at the same time, because the interruptions just continued.

Desperation can be a dangerous thing.

It didn't take much longer until you came crawling back to him, regret plastered all over your pretty face. Mumbling something about not knowing what was wrong with you. And König was so lovely, even though you had treated him like shit the past few days. So understanding.

So good at hiding the predatory glint in his eyes.

He came back to your room that night. And God, did that make it worse.

Ragged breaths that you tried to keep under control whenever he shifted behind you, the slightest amount of physical touch almost enough to make you lose it. So aroused that your whole body shivered in his tight embrace, all rational thoughts long gone from your head.

"I can make it better," he whispered in your ear, the feeling of his breath against your neck going straight to your core.

"Friends help each other, ist doch nichts dabei."

Your resolve weakened with every whispered word.

"It's just like cuddling, oder nicht?"

The smile was almost noticeable in his voice as his fingers wandered down to the waistband of your underwear.

"Let me take care of you."

You feared that things between you and König would be weird after that night, but they weren't. Well, as long as you didn't make them weird. And König made sure that you didn't.

Silenced you every time you every time you started to explain yourself. Shoved pieces of cake or something else to eat in your direction, or his hand in your pants when you were particularly persistent.

Worked every time.

He got you to change your major after a while. You had been complaining about it all the time anyway. The other students were too unapproachable, typical Austrian charm, the drive to the campus too long. But König knew better than to outright tell you what to do. So he started dropping subtle hints that spread in your head until you were so confident that switching universities had been your brilliant idea.

It was adorable how you still thought that the decisions you made in his house were fully yours.

Of course, it was purely coincidental that flyers for online universities started to show up along with your mail.

Lucky you.

König encouraged your decision. "It's way better, mein Liebling. It's a good university, you'll have no trouble finding a job with that degree."

As if you would need a degree or a job. König would take care of you for as long as you were his. Which would be forever , because he had grown really accustomed to you over the past months. Still, he let you continue your studies. It kept your pretty little head occupied and it kept you from asking too many questions.

And he loved studying with you too much. Probably would have to enlist you in a master's degree after you got your bachelor's because there was no way he could stop. You had trouble staying concentrated, so König, like the thoughtful man he was, offered to help.

"You really want to try this, little one? I'm not sure if you're ready, I don't think you studied enough. Won't make sense if we try it now, mein Liebling."

Held his methods out of your reach until you were begging to cockwarm him while he went through the topics on your questionnaire. You trusted his expertise, he had much more life experience after all. Told you that it helped with concentration or something.

Well, obviously not with yours, but König would never tell you that.

Rewarding you for every rare correct answer with a shallow thrust of his hips. Softly shaking his head as he looked at you all condescendingly while he watched you turn into a whining, needy mess on his lap, unable to get proper sentences out.

"See, I was right. You should really start listening to me. You didn't study enough, Liebling. Don't you think you should apologize for wasting my time?"

Letting you nuzzle against his neck as you tried to hide the mixture of shame and arousal on your face. Smiling to himself as he felt your enthusiastic nods. Softly grabbing your hips as he began to thrust into you excruciatingly slow.

"What are you- I thought I should-"

His pace increased, turning your words into pleasured gasps.

"Could never punish a perfect little thing like you," he whispered in your ear.

Not the whole truth, but so far you behaved and König hoped he'd never have to punish you.

It was obvious why he had to take care of you. If you weren't able to answer simple questions, how would you be able to be on your own?

You were lucky that König preferred his pets a bit silly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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