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Chapter 21

"Guifen, why did I hear that your family got divorced in Xia Zhi? Is this the case?"

Zhao Guifen came back from picking vegetables in the vegetable garden, and was stopped by a talkative woman in the village, who looked at her with a look of concern. Actual schadenfreude.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Zhao Guifen squeezed the vegetable basket in her hand, and her face suddenly darkened.

"Oh, you don't know about this? It has been spread in the village for a long time. It has become famous in the county. It is said that the young man from the Agricultural Machinery Bureau does not want your Xia Zhi!"

Zhang Dahua yelled. , for fear that people nearby who are listening to the gossip might not be able to hear clearly.

Zhao Guifen felt everyone's gaze, her face turned red, and she pushed Zhang Dahua away with her body.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I have to go home to cook, so get out of the way."

Zhao Guifen ran away, and Zhang Dahua winked at a group of people nearby who were paying attention.

"Look, let me just say this is reliable. If it's not true, why should she be panicking?"

"Has such a good girl like Xia Zhi really been divorced from home? People in this city are so unreliable." An old lady was lamenting.

Lu Xiazhi is a famous girl in the village. She is beautiful, hard-working, and very smart.

Although everything in her family was holding her back, she was still able to marry into the city without studying, and she was also the son of a leader. I don’t know how many people envied her.

The five hundred yuan gift money back then made many people jealous.

You've only been married for a few years, and you're already being divorced and going home? What kind of fairy woman does that family want to marry?

Zhang Dahua sneered: "She just looks different in our countryside. There are so many good girls in the city, who would care about them? Besides, she is still unsatisfied. She gave birth to a daughter. This must make that family angry." Dead."

"Xia Zhi's fate is indeed bad. Their family is so good at giving birth to sons, why didn't she get the news?" "

Isn't that right? I heard that the family just thought that their family would have sons, and they often gave birth to two in their lifetime. That's why I am willing to marry. Otherwise, who would want a rural girl with such good conditions?" "

I don't want to say that, Xia Zhi is different from our girl, she is a high school student."

Zhang Dahua was even more disdainful when he heard this, "What's the point of a girl reading so many books? Sooner or later she has to get married, have children, and take care of the housework. She spends so much money for nothing, and it makes her lose her education. I see that

she just reads too much, My luck was gone, so I gave birth to a daughter." "

What will we do after the summer solstice? I heard that we still have a daughter? It's not easy to get married! Such a good girl has been ruined in vain." "

So I said If you want to marry someone from the city, don't think about climbing high places all day long. There are so many good young men in the country, so you have to marry someone from the city. If you don't belong to the right family, you deserve to die now." Zhang Dahua agrees with

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