005. school dance

Start from the beginning

"I hear that." Cheyenne mutters.

"Julie Bramlett, science teacher." She holds her hand out to Cordell.

"Oh, uh..." He quickly puts a chip in his mouth. "Cordell Walker, Ranger." He taps elbows with her. "Father, husband, uh... uh, for-former husband. Uh..." He glances at Trey and Micki, both amused. He glances at Cheyenne who is wincing and shaking her head. "This is good." Cordell says, scooping another chip into the dip.

"Mm. I know. It's nuts." Julie says. "Get it? Because it's literally nuts." She holds the lid of the container up.

"I see what you did there." Cordell smiles.

"Dad, we got to do a rescue." August says, walking over with Ruby. "Uh, Ruby's grandpa, Mr. Cofield, he isn't answering his phone."

"We live close to where the tornado hit and my app says he either lost his phone or hasn't moved." Ruby says. "He had heart surgery last year, and I-I'm just worried."

"Hey, do you know if they put an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator by his heart?" Trey asks.

"Something electronic?" Ruby asks and Trey nods. "They did."

"Okay, so it sounds like we got a rescue mission that needs a medic." Cordell says. "Shall we?"

"Yep." Micki nods.

"Yeah." Trey nods.

"Thank God, cause you're more painful to watch than the high schoolers." Cheyenne quips.

"It-- wh--" Cordell stammers, looking at the woman. "Shut up."

"Aw... 20 years and your comebacks still suck." Cheyenne tsks. "Poor thing." She walks off.

"That-- okay." Cordell lets it go.

"Thank you so much." Ruby tells the three as they leave.


Cheyenne is sitting and eating, forgetting how boring school dances were.

"Mighty hero returns." Cheyenne remarks when she notices Cordell walk in.

"Hey. Uh, is-- is everything good here?" Cordell asks.

"Everybody's alive." Cheyenne nods.

"That-- yeah, okay." Cordell nods. "But are they-- you know..."

"Terribly dancing, yet somehow having the times of their lives? For the most part." Cheyenne says.

"Most part?" Cordell asks.

"Yeah, I've sensed some drama. I don't any details. So... figure that out yourself." Cheyenne says.

"Okay." Cordell mumbles.

"Can I-- can I grab you for a second?" Liam asks, walking over.

"Yeah, I was gonna check on a few things." Cordell says.

"Okay. I'll meet you out on the field after I talk to Bret." Liam says.

"Yeah. Okay." Cordell nods and Liam walks off.

"Is he okay?" Cheyenne questions.

"Uh... ye-yeah. Yeah, I think." Cordell says.

"Hey." Cordell turns to Julie as she walks over.

Cheyenne immediately digs into her food, pretending to not pay attention.

"Oh, hey." He greets, glancing at Cheyenne, knowing she's still listening.

"Glad your team made it back safe." Julie says.

"Yeah. Yeah, me, too." Cordell says.

"Look, I don't know how things are for you right now, but... if you're ever in the mood for some overshares, I'd love to grab a drink." Julie says, holding a small piece of paper out to Cordell.

"Wow. Okay." Cordell says, taking it. Cheyenne face palms. "Uh, I-- no, no. Just saying... "Wow, I-I didn't realize people still... wrote their numbers down on a slip of paper."" The two laugh.

"Mm-hmm." Julie nods.

"Uh, don't we, like, ping each other?" Cordell asks. "Or, like, what do the kids do these days?"

"Okay. All right, well, I didn't realize I was giving my digits to a pickup artist." Julie remarks. Cordell laughs.

"Thank you." He tells her. "Um... ah. I don't... know if I'm quite ready for this yet, but, um... I'll hold on to it."

"Okay. I'm around." Julie says, walking off.

"That was terrible." Cheyenne remarks.

"Why are you so annoying?" Cordell asks.

"My dad rubs off on me quite a lot. As do my three teenagers." Cheyenne says. "Plus, you just have this face that makes me want to bug you."

"Okay." Cordell rolls his eyes.

"Not to mention, you are still responsible for the death of my treehouse." Cheyenne adds.

"You're the one who took me to the treehouse." Cordell says. "Besides, if it's anybody's fault, it's your dad's. He's the one who got so mad."

"Okay, so when you find Stella and Trevor making out, are you gonna be cool about it?" Cheyenne inquires.

"Absolutely not." Cordell immediately answers.

"So you're on my dad's side?"


"You two might just get along now." Cheyenne comments. "Also, don't ever say anything about pinging ever again. You're not a teenager, don't try to be one. Just... stick to what you know. Please. It-- it's less painful to watch that way. Watching you is worse than watching Randy try to do the worm."

"All right, I-I get it. What, cause you're so better?" Cordell scoffs.

"Anybody's gotta be better than that." Cheyenne gives him a look.

"You-- all right." Cordell rolls his eyes.

"I mean, it-- you had more game when you were 15 than you do now." Cheyenne laughs. "I mean, you got me in my treehouse."

"I'm done with this conversation." Cordell says.

"Oh, come on." Cheyenne smirks.

"Nope. I have business to attend to." Cordell says, walking away.

"Oh, okay. So professional." Cheyenne rolls her eyes.

"You're just as annoying as 20 years ago." Cordell states.

"Thank you." She grins as he walks away.

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