Dogday called, disrupting the cats sleep a little. The cat's eyes squinted a little, but he wasn't willing to wake up so easily.

At least...not until.


Dogday's voice grew louder...and closer. Catnap wondered why, until he suddenly felt the Dog's entire weight hit his belly, forcing the Cat's eyes open, as his belly was squished, paifully at that, as the dog landed on him.

The cat couldn't even find the words to speak, as he moved away slightly, holding on to his stomach in pain.

Thank goodness he didn't barf anything out from that. Dogday laid on the bed, staring up at Catnap eagerly.

His tail wagged while he kicked his feet a little, more than ready to play.


Catnap stared at Dogday bewildered. What in the world has gotten into his partner?! Well...he IS energetic but this extent!

He's normally a lot more cautious, too. Still, he didn't want to shame him for it or anything. He doubts that Dogday really intended to do that.

"Dogday..! Yeah uh, we can play! Mind just...staying here for a minute? I'll be back to play in no time! In the meantime there are uh..."

Catnap looked around the room, finding Dogday's box of toys. Perfect!

"A few balls and bones you can play with there, alright! Just be a good boy and wait here for me, 'kay hun?"

Catnap gently pat the Dog's head, he licked the cat's hand as a sign of affection. Catnap let out a small giggle, the lick tickling him a small bit.

"Heh, alright! I'll be waiting!"

Dogday responded, stretching a bit as Catnap left the room. look around a bit. And ask the others, of course.

Catnap looked around the house, looking for a sign of anything that could have given Dogday an excessive energy boost.

He didn't find anything TOO suspicious, which was to Catnap's relief. He did hope his friend didn't get himself wrapped into anything...serious.

But what he did find was a few, brown crumbs in the kitchen. As well as some wrappers.

He kneeled down, observing what he found closely, before quickly coming to a conclusion.

He ate the chocolate bars Catnap bought a couple days ago! He forgot to hide them when Dogday came over!

Catnap face palmed at his past self. He should have remembered! Aw well, to be fair Dogday's arrival wasn't exactly planned, to be fair.

He should probably ask Bubba what to do. He'd know the solution.

Catnap slowly opened the front door, making the least amount of noise possible before looking back.

Dogday seemed occupied enough. He walked through and closed the door as quietly as he could. Afterwards, he quickly ran to find Bubba, running past the other critters as he did.

The Light And The Darkness [Catnap x Dogday]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora