I pulled in the now familiar driveway of Lennon's house and smiled when she greeted me, Atticus on her hip.

"Did you bring a jacket?" Lennon asked, and I took notice that she was a little more dressed up than usual. Like always, she still looked beautiful, but her hair was styled with two braids on the top of her head that connected to two ponytails in a half up half down style. She even wore jeans today, paired with a tight white shirt and an oversized cozy tan flannel. It was still casual but it was different than her usual sweatpants and baggy sweatshirt, but she can pull either look off.

"Uhh no"



"Well I had an idea. I was going to take a trip to pick out our Christmas tree" She smiled.

"Oh!" I gasped, but then had a confused look. Why didn't she just tell me to stay home? Surely, this is a family adventure, and I'm not wanting to intrude.

"You're invited duh" She looked at me, clearly noticing the confusion on my face. How does she always know what I'm thinking?

"Uhm, are you sure?"

"If you think we can pull it off. Whenever we go this time, there's almost no people there. And I figured we could disguise you a little bit, but you'll probably need a sweatshirt or something, plus it's cold. What do you think?"

I looked at her outfit and figured out she got more "dressed up" to go out, so it would be impossible for me to tell her no. Especially when she seems excited. "I would love to go"

"Awesome. Let me go get something" She smiled, and handed Atticus towards me. I took him, she ran off to her room, and I waited. She came back a few minutes later, and put some glasses and a hat on my body.

"This is mine, it should fit" She chuckled and handed me a navy blue sweatshirt. I threw it on, and it was a little snug, but it was better than my white t shirt for the cold. "I'm glad you said yes because I made the mom mistake of telling Theo we were probably going, and then he hasn't quit asking me"

"Good thing I did" I joked.

"And I'm not good at chopping down trees"

"Oh so that's why I was invited" I teased her.

"Partially. Let me go get Theo and Delia, and then we can head out" She told me, and went to Theo's room. I grabbed the diaper bag off the counter and swung it over my one side that didn't have Atticus, and decided to head out to her car.

I buckled him in and turned the car on, happy to see Theo come towards me and give me a giant hug when they joined us outside.

"Hi buddy! What's up?" I rubbed his back, so joyful that he's starting to like me more.

"We getting a tree!" Theo gasped.

"So exciting!"

"Come this way buddy" Lennon told Theo, heading with Delia on the other side to strap her in. She got Theo and Lia buckled up on the driver's side, and then headed back over towards me reaching for the car door handle.

"Oh I strapped him in already" I told her, but she was already swinging the door open to see Atticus. I watched as she fumbled with the straps that I had perfectly secured him in, I remembered from the times I did it with Theo as a baby.

"I-I just have to" Lennon told me, and checked them several times. I noticed her expression go from happy walking towards the car, to overly concerned while she checked the straps.

She shut the door, leaving the kids momentarily closed in, and the two of us outside alone. I looked at her, now concerned myself by her change in behavior.

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