Chapter 2 - Sam Winchester

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On the road he's got some rock music playing, we did make a small detour to his motel like he said grabbing the few clothes he'd unpacked and it's early morning when we arrive outside the college. We're more or less people watching trying not to be too creepy about it, I think he's hoping to see his brother before asking him for help, "you care deeply for your brother, don't you?" I ask and he nods without looking at me, "he's family, I've pretty much raised him."

"So why the hesitation in talking to him now?" I ask and he shrugs, "thought we weren't gonna pry?"

"I'm sorry I uh," I wring my hands and he touches my arm, "relax Valerie, I'm just messing with you, but the hesitation on my part now is he walked away from me and my dad. He wanted a life outside of what we do, the time came when my dad and him got into a big fight, so he did what he always wanted to do, he got out."

"Family can suck sometimes," I mutter and he turns in his seat, "you don't have any?"

"Never said that."

"Well?" He presses and I sigh, "my mother went missing years ago, my dad was trying to find the thing or person that took her then he went missing too."

"No siblings?"

"I guess one was enough for mom and dad."

"I'm sorry Val," he says and I turn to look at him; he frowns realizing what he said then tries to back track, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't use a nickname your ex gave you, we uh just did meet."

"It's okay, I don't mind. Another hunter coined it before him anyways, no harm, no foul there."

He smiles then turns to watch the people, but in the end, we don't see his brother at all which seems to upset him, but he has an idea to find him later at his brother's apartment. While we're waiting, we stop for something to eat, he uses a card without his legal name, but some random person's and I make a face, "you use uh credit cards like that all the time?" We've checked out by now and are on the way to the car, "being a hunter doesn't get me paid."

"Yeah, I can understand that."

"How do you get by?"

"Well," I scratch the back of my head, "I inherited a decent amount of money from my parents when they were officially deemed missing with no hope of finding them. I could have paid for our stuff Dean."

He hands me my burger and extends the drink container to me which I take my cup, sticking the straw into it.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you."

"No, it's uh alright."

"Was it the money thing or something I said?"

"No, it's uh my dad spent the money him and my mom saved for us on weapons and trying to track down the thing that killed her."

My skin grows cold as we eat, I wonder what happened to his mother which again could be considered prying, but after a while I wrap what's left of my sandwich and set it on the dashboard staring out the window as the night grows dark; Dean notices the mood shift and says, "you not hungry?"

"Lost my appetite, happens sometimes."

"Look I didn't mean to upset or throw you off," he says, "I just handle things different than other people."

"No, it's alright, this is how I deal I guess."

He turns in his seat again, the leather squeaking, I don't turn however feeling my eyes grow heavy for some unknown reason and I don't want him to see me like this without having shed a tear while being beaten by my ex.

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